On Nov 11, 2015 1:56 AM, "Thomas Neidhart" <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com>
> On 11/10/2015 11:41 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Thomas Neidhart <
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On 11/10/2015 10:52 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:
> >>> Hi all:
> >>>
> >>> -1
> >>>
> >>> Sorry, the RAT failure needs to be handled one way or another: exclude
> >> the
> >>> files or add headers:
> >>>
> >>> Unapproved licenses:
> >>>
> >>>   data/test/NullComparator.version2.obj1
> >>>   data/test/NullComparator.version2.obj2
> >>>   xdocs/style/project.css
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I imagine the obj files can be excluded but the CSS file can just
have a
> >>> header added, just like
> >>>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> It's just messy to rush this through without dotting the i's and so
> >>
> >> yeah, I did not see the 2 NullComparator files as the problem appears
> >> only on Windows. The same happened for the Collections 4 release, and I
> >> forgot about it.
> >>
> >> @css: wtf, are you serious to vote with -1 because of that and complain
> >> about the RC being messy? I mean, I can handle it if there are real
> >> issues to be fixed, and I had planned to cancel the VOTE anyways to
> >> some more adjustments but something like that is just ridiculous. Just
> >> take a look at some other published commons releases and count the
> >> number of RAT errors, even for source files.
> >>
> >
> > Sorry, two wrongs to do make a right. If other Commons components have
> > a mess of specific releases in the past, then that's sad. Either the RAT
> > report is clean or it is not. If it is clean, I have to assume that
> > exclusions in the POM for specific files or types of files have been
> > with careful consideration and that I can always go digging in the
> > log to see a hopefully useful comment as to why the exclusion was made.
> >
> > Since this is a release to address a security issue, I would have hoped
> > that all details would have been handled with extra care.
> >
> > I'd never get away with a sloppy release at work, and I hope I won't
> > to here either.
> >
> > In any case, a -1 is not a veto on a vote thread like it is on a
commit, so
> > this vote may yet pass. It's up to you as the RM to decide what to do.
> >
> > I know that cutting releases is still a pain, we have a lot of
> > it's not like pushing a button, but that' what we're stuck with for now.
> you complain about false positives in a code base that has not been
> released in 8 years

The time is irrelevant IMO. If we cut a release, it should up to today's
standard, again IMO.

and call my work messy.

Don't take it personally. Perhaps read "The four agreements".

I have seen the css alert,
> but thought I can safely ignore it, as it is anyway obsolete (pointing
> to a non-existing css on the apache homepage).
> People blame Apache for not providing a fix in 9 months for a known
> exploit and we are arguing about totally unimportant issues.
> I explicitly asked for review in areas that *are* important, e.g. OSGI
> compatibility, as the build/release chain has changed quite a lot in the
> last 8 years, and I wanted verification that the 3.2.2 release can
> really be used in all areas.

If OSGi is important to you, then you can create a test that embeds the jar
in a container. It's pain, sure, but it's doable.

But no, we talk about a missing AL header
> in a one line css file.
> Frankly, I am pissed because I spent the last days working on this while
> my baby is teething and would have certainly better things to do.

Here we get to the bottom of it, yes, balacing work and family is a
challenge for me as well.


> I will continue with the release as it is too important, but I am not
> sure any more that I want to make another release for commons in the
> Thomas
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