Oughtn't there be an option to have logging for developers? If you'd like
to use it, feel free; if not, don't. Including log4j (or slf or
commons-logging, so on) doesn't add too much weight to the jar -- one file,
a small properties file, and 4-lines in the pom file. If there is interest,
I can submit a patch adding log4j and log4j.properties to JIRA. Let me
know? -- H

On 25 September 2015 at 16:26, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 13:06:43 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
> I say something like: "I had to fork some CM class to insert
> log statements."
> You say something like: "No, you don't; write test or inspect
> the code."
> You had been more constructive:
>   http://markmail.org/thread/a5jl6fkjjtm5qbsw
> Even if Ole may have picked the wrong example with Tomcat, the
> actual request is to be able to follow the execution of a fairly
> complex algorithm, like an optimizer, when applied to a fairly
> complex user's code, in order to figure out whether there is a
> problem; and if so, where it is (in the user's model, in the
> call, in the optimizer, whether there is a mismatch between the
> user's expectations and the capability of the selected algorithm,
> etc.)
> Ole's first example with an excerpt of the Levenberg-Marquardt
> implementation is actually a hit: a few years ago, a bug was found
> somewhere right around that same code:
>   https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-406
> It's an example where logging is a valuable help in debugging.
> Another is the poor man's logging fiddling to track the cause of
> the erratic behaviour of one of the CI machines.
> Gilles
> On 9/25/15 11:01 AM, Ole Ersoy wrote:
>>> On 09/25/2015 11:34 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>> I disagree. Good tests, API contracts, exception management and
>>>> documentation can and should eliminate the need for cluttering
>>>> low-level library code with debug logging.
>>> Logging could be viewed as clutter.  Constructed the right way,
>>> the logging statements could also be viewed as comments.
>>> I agree that good tests, API contracts, and in general keeping the
>>> design as minimalistic and simple as possible should be the first
>>> criteria to review before introducing logging.  When the code is
>>> trivial I leave logging out, unless I need to put in a few
>>> statements in order to track collaboration between components in
>>> an algorithm.
>>> Other times the method is as simple as it gets and I have to have
>>> logging.  For example take the LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
>>> optimize() method.  It's atomic in the sense that what's in the
>>> method belongs in the method.  There are several loops within the
>>> main loop, etc. and tracking what's going, even with a observer
>>> being notified on each increment, would be far from elegant.
>> Why, exactly do you need to "track what is going on?"  If you need
>> to do that as a user of the code, some kind of listener or API to
>> give you the information that you need is appropriate.  Dumping text
>> to an external resource to "solve" this usually indicates smelliness
>> somewhere - either in the library API or the client code.
>>> For example perhaps we want to see what's going on with the
>>> parameters in this small (5% of the method size) section of code:
>> What parameters and where did they come from?  If from the client,
>> the client can validate them.  If the library needs to validate or
>> confirm suitability, then it should do that in code or via tests.
>>>                 // compute the scaled predicted reduction
>>>                 // and the scaled directional derivative
>>>                 for (int j = 0; j < solvedCols; ++j) {
>>>                     int pj = permutation[j];
>>>                     double dirJ = lmDir[pj];
>>>                     work1[j] = 0;
>>>                     for (int i = 0; i <= j; ++i) {
>>>                         work1[i] += weightedJacobian[i][pj] * dirJ;
>>>                     }
>>>                 }
>>> If there is something wrong with this in production, the shortest
>>> path to figuring that out is reviewing a trace.  The longer path
>>> is to stop the server.  Grab the data.  Open up a debugger.  Run
>>> the data.
>>> If we wanted to observe this section of code the observer would be
>>> looking at sub loops of of the optimize method.  So that's doable,
>>> but it creates an interface design for the observer that's
>>> cluttered with events corresponding to various low level algorithm
>>> details.
>>> Several times, I've been obliged to create a modified version of CM
>>>>> to introduce "print" statements (poor man's logging!) in order to
>>>>> figure out why my code did not do what it was supposed to.
>>> It's pretty tragic that anyone of us should have to do this.  It's
>>> also wasteful, because if Gilles has to do this, then there's a
>>> good chance that others have to do it to.  The reason Tomcat logs
>>> at various levels is so that we can see what's going on in
>>> production and track down bugs.
>> No.  Have a look at the Tomcat logging code.  It is mostly
>> initialization, shutdown and exceptions or warnings.  This is
>> necessary because tomcat is a container - there is no client
>> application to catch exceptions or get API results back.  The analog
>> for the kind of instrumentation you are proposing inside [math]
>> would be like tomcat larding itself up with debug logging throughout
>> the request processing lifecycle, which it does not do.   It is a
>> bad analogy in any case, because Tomcat is a container, which is 2
>> big steps up the processing chain from a low-level library.
>> Phil
>> Lets become one with the logging and make it into something that
>>> strengthens both code integrity and comprehensibility.  Everyone
>>> take take out your Feng Shui mat and do some deep breathing right
>>> now.
>>> Here again, tests, good design, code inspection are the way to go in
>>>> low-level components.  I have also spent a lot of time researching
>>>> bugs in [math], other Commons components and other complex systems.
>>>> My experience is a little different: excessive logging / debug code
>>>> for code that contains it often just tends to get in the way,
>>> It's a very good point.  Sometimes we come across logging
>>> statements that are just noise.  Given how rigorous we are about
>>> reviewing everything though, I think a win win would be to limit
>>> the noise during code review, and pledge not to "Call our mom" in
>>> the middle of the code, etc.
>>> especially after it has rotted a bit.  Rather than adding more code
>>>> to maintain so that you can have less conceptual control over the
>>>> functional code, it is better, IMNSHO, to focus on making the
>>>> functional code as simple as possible with clean well-documented,
>>>> test-validated API contracts.
>>> Totally agree.  I think this should be the first priority, and
>>> that logging should be used when there are no simple clean
>>> alternatives.
>>>> It also makes a code easier to debug while developing or
>>>>> modifying it
>>>>> (without resorting to poor man's logging, then deleting the
>>>>> "print",
>>>>> then reinstating them, then deleting them again, ad nauseam).
>>>> Pretty sure we have all been here.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Ole
>>>>> Gilles
>>>>> [1] No quality or complexity judgment implied.
>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 3:17 PM, Ole Ersoy <ole.er...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> We have been discussing various ways to view what's happening
>>>>>>>>> internally
>>>>>>>>> with algorithms, and the topic of including SLF4J has come up.
>>>>>>>>> I know that
>>>>>>>>> this was discussed earlier and it was decided that CM is a low
>>>>>>>>> level
>>>>>>>>> dependency, therefore it should minimize the transitive
>>>>>>>>> dependencies that
>>>>>>>>> it introduces.  The Java community has adopted many means of
>>>>>>>>> dealing with
>>>>>>>>> potential logging conflicts, so I'm requesting that we use
>>>>>>>>> SLF4J
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> logging.
>>>>>>>>> I know that JBoss introduced its own logging system, and this
>>>>>>>>> made me a
>>>>>>>>> bit nervous about this suggestion, so I looked up strategies
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> switching
>>>>>>>>> their logger out with SLF4J:
>>>>>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14733369/force-jboss-logging-to-use-of-slf4j
>>>>>>>>> The general process I go through when working with many
>>>>>>>>> dependencies that
>>>>>>>>> might use commons-logging instead of SLF4J looks something like
>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8921382/maven-slf4j-version-conflict-when-using-two-different-dependencies-that-requi
>>>>>>>>> With JDK9 individual modules can define their own isolated
>>>>>>>>> set of
>>>>>>>>> dependencies.  At this point the fix should be a permanent.  If
>>>>>>>>> someone has
>>>>>>>>> has a very intricate scenario that we have not yet seen, they
>>>>>>>>> could use
>>>>>>>>> (And probably should use) OSGi to isolate dependencies.
>>>>>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> - Ole
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