No problem, I've also been preempted.

I want to capture as much information as possible but the documentation is
a weird mixture of details and hand-waving. Some is detailed, some is
"compatible with the format used by the Microsoft CRYPTOAPI".  How is
anyone supposed to use that if all they have is the APPNOTE.txt file?
Anyway I can demonstrate that the headers are recognized in at least one
test case so I'll just remove the debugging code and add a few getters.

I also found documentation on WinZip so I can also capture that information
later. It uses a different compression method ID to indicate encryption
instead of new extra fields.

FWIW my initial impression from what's in the fields is that WinZip is
competently implemented but PKWare is a LOT more solid. I can give details
if anyone wants to be bored. :-)


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 1:34 AM, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:

> Hi Bear
> sorry for the late reply.  My spare time is currently severly limited
> but this should be getting better by the end of the month.
> On 2015-09-05, Bear Giles wrote:
> > I was just reminded of the risks of making assumptions. There's two
> > separate implementations of AES strong encryption - WinZip AES and
> PKWare.
> > I've been focused on the latter but we should recognize both types of
> > headers.
> IIRC WinZip AES works rather differently by using a separate
> "compression method".  I haven't looked into the details so far, though.
> It should be fine to start with just one implementation IMHO.
> > I've pushed a bit more code that partially parses the PKWare headers.
> It's
> > enough to identify the encryption and hash algorithms used but a lot is
> > left unparsed.
> Unless we really wanted to implement the crypto part this sounds
> like a lot already.
> Thanks
>         Stefan
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