On 08/30/2015 08:18 AM, Gilles wrote:
On Sat, 29 Aug 2015 22:21:55 -0500, Ole Ersoy wrote:
I'm deleting most of the discussion, because I think I may be
throwing too many ingredients on the table. For further context
please see the previous thread.
I don't get that. Here the main purpose is to set a hard limit
that will raise an exception (to avoid that some algo from running
Well there are two concerns here. One is the precise number of steps
that should be executed and the other is whether we need to raise the
To stop the algorithm from running forever we let the `end` callback
notify the thing doing the incrementing that we are done. Does that
make sense?
Not sure. The current usage is
1. Set the hard limit (and action when that limit is reached)
2. Let the incrementor do its thing (count and call "trigger").
IIUC there are three ways of using IntegerSequence as is:
1) Initialize the incrementor
2) check canIncrement()
3) get the increment
4) check canIncrement()
5) Increment if we can
6) Check again...
7 If we can't increment, were done, so we get the result of whatever and move
We register a calllback and just keep incrementing until the callback is called.
C) We catch the MaxCountExceededException
We should only do B, because A is wasteful and C is not necessary.
IIUC, you propose that the increment tells its caller that the
limit has been reached.
The CB tells the caller that the limit has been reached. If the incrementer
extends the callback interface, and registers with the caller, then yes. But
the CB could be completely separate from the Algorithm instance and the
Then, I suppose, the caller will have to
act, rather than the incrementor.
Case A)
Continue until we converge on a solution that's good enough. We register the
'increment' CB which notifies the algorithm that we are 'good enough', and if
we don't converge then the `end` CB is called, and we take whatever action is
Case B)
We want to exhaust all the steps so we register an 'end' CB. We want to find
the best possible solution in the allowed number of steps (We already now that
we will not find the global optimal).
Unless I'm missing something, I don't see the advantage (in the
examples from CM).
The advantages are that we eliminate:
- `canIncrement()`
- `hasIncrement()`
- incrementNTimes()
- MaxCountExceededException
- MaxCountExceededException CB boilerplate
We gain a simpler API.
Secondly suppose we expect a sequence like 5, 10, 15, 20...but the
max is 17. Do we loop past 17 and let that be the final loop, thus
passing in 20 to the increment listener / cb, or do we stop at 15?
The proposed IntegerSequence.Incrementor would trigger the callback
if "increment()" is called again after 15 is returned.
I think it's better if we just leave it up to the designer to figure out the
max number of steps.
Note that the increment does not stop by itself. If a range is created
its last value will be 15 (and the callback will never be called, by
That's another reason why I like just specifying only:
- start
- stepSize
- maxNumberOfSteps.
It's very easy to understand. The callback is called when the
`maxNumberOfSteps` is reached Not that the other way is that complicated
either :).
One thing I am saying though that is that if the `maxNumberOfSteps` is reached
and no `end` callback is registered, then we can still call increment. It just
results in a noop(). An exception is not thrown. If the caller wants to be
notified when the counter is done, they have to register a callback.
letting the developer calculate the number of steps, avoiding the use
of a max, we gain simplicity and flexibility.
In all CM usage, the number of steps is unknown; the Incrementor is
intended to avoid an infinite loop.
IIUC the max number of steps are known? The number of steps until we converge
are unknown...and could reach the max number of steps.
Lastly perhaps the `increment` callback wants to notify the
`incrementer / algorithm` that it's done. In this case we only
specify the `start` and `stepSize` arguments and leave it up to the
`increment` callback to realize the termination point and stop the
Cf. previous paragraph.
I think we are saying the same thing there.
Termination of the counter is not the same as termination of the
I understand. By using an incrementor and a max we are incrementing either
- the algorithm concludes
- We reach a max and use the result
- We reach a max and indicate an error because we could not converge on a result
All of these can be handled in a `increment` CB and a `end` CB.
In CM usage, the latter must occur first, and the second
signals a failure.
So when the `end` CB is called we either succeeded or had a failure. The end
CB can evaluate the results and determine either one. The algorithm could also
signal to the `end` CB whether the result is a failure or success.
P.S. I'll commit the "IntegerSequence" class. You can try and patch it
(or design an alternative) to show what you mean on some specific
CM use of the old "Incrementor".
OK I think it would be fun to play more with this. I've been meaning to
experiment with JDK 8 asynchronous callbacks as well. Hope to get some free
time soon!
- Ole
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