Hello Ralph,

2015-07-09 22:25 GMT+02:00 LeVan,Ralph <le...@oclc.org>:

> My apologies if I'm going about this wrong.
> Several years ago I wrote a layer on top of JSAP to configure its parser
> from a simple usage statement.  I tried to push that code back to the
> developer, with no success.  I'd like to see that code get into production
> somewhere so I can stop using my private fork.
> For JSAP, configuration turned into this:
>         SimplerJSAP jsap = new SimplerJSAP("dbname [--taglist<String>]
> [--alternativeTagpaths<File>]");
>         JSAPResult config = jsap.parse(args);
> This is much simpler and much much more readable than the JSAP code and it
> looks to me like the CLI version is just as complicated.
> Would there be any interest in me contributing such a layer on top of CLI?

Interesting. This certainly only works for simple CLIs. How would you
handle mandatory vs. optional options? And how can a help text be added
with this API?


> Thanks!
> Ralph
> --
> Ralph LeVan
> OCLC * Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Research
> 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio USA 43017
> T +1-614-764-6115
> [OCLC]<http://www.oclc.org/home.en.html?cmpid=emailsig_logo>
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