Hi Paul,

Paul King wrote:

> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote
>> I would appreciate feedback for the RC from the Groovy project.
> Thanks for your work on progressing the 1.3 release Benedikt. We have
> built Groovy using the RC-1 candidate jar and the build and all tests
> succeed. This is already a huge step forward for us. Thanks! (And thanks
> Pascal for doing the checking).
> Having said that, I should also give you a little bit more context.
> We forked our own version of PosixParser in late 2012. Our version has
> some of the bug fixes from 1.3 and some of our own bug fixes. So the
> current build
> is still using that class and that in turn refers to a bunch of the
> classes which
> were deprecated in CLI 1.3.
> We have a bunch of open Groovy JIRA issues related to CLI 1.2 bugs.
> We'll have to check them individually to see whether we can close off any
> with CLI 1.3 in place. I suspect some might remain because of our use
> of our forked class at present.
> We'll certainly have a bunch more feedback when we try to deprecate our
> forked class and migrate ourselves across to the DefaultParser which we'll
> do over the coming months once CLI 1.3 is out.
> At least with a 1.3 out we'll be in a much better position to iteratively
> move
> across and also give you timely and relevant feedback for any issues that
> we find.

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