Hi Bruno,

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> Am 11.04.2015 um 12:21 schrieb Bruno P. Kinoshita 
> <brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br>:
> Hi all, 
> FUNCTOR-30 [1] contains a patch for [functor] that I'd like to merge. I will 
> spend one or two other days reviewing the code style & tests, and will wait 
> till the middle of the week before merging, so that others can take some time 
> to review too.
> The patch provides several predicates to use with Strings, such as IsNull, 
> IsAlpha, IsAlphanumeric, etc. Most of them calling existing methods in 
> [lang]'s StringUtils.

Nice to see same action in the functor component again. Does functor have a 
dependency on lang? Usually we try not to have dependencies between 

Further more I don't really see the use case for this addtion. Releasing 
functor for Java 7 doesn't make much sense to me. Functor and Java 8 lambdas 
are a perfect match. But if we target Java 8, one could simply write:


No need to define a separate predicate implementation...


> All the best,Bruno
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FUNCTOR-30

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