Hi Benedikt,

that question came to me while working on COMMONSRDF-2...

Personally I see Apache Commons as our current target for graduation. Therefore I'd prefer to use those coordinates already in incubation (that's considered a best practices to avoid issues on graduation). But of course anybody else could have other opinion.

In that case, how does Commons manages different artifacts per component? Because we currently have three (parent, api and simple imp). So my idea was to put all together under org.apache.commons.rdf groupId, but we can also stay at org.apache.commons and solve it at the artifacts' level.

Thanks for bringing here this discussion and your valuable feedback.


On 28/03/15 14:13, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
Hi guys,

there is a discussion in COMMONSRDF-2 [1] about the maven coordinates for
incubation releases of Commons RDF. I may have missed something, but my
last information was, that Commons RDF has not yet decided whether it
want's to join Apache Commons or go TLP in the end. So the situation looks
like the following to me:

As long as Commons RDF has not decided to join Apache Commons in the end,
Commons RDF should not use the Apache Commons groupid. So maven coordinates
should be:


If Commons RDF has already decided not to go TLP and to join Apache Commons
after incubation, the coordinates should be (have i missed that decision?



[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMMONSRDF-2

Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 660 2747 925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co

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