On 02/22/2015 04:48 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
> On 2/20/15 11:54 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> On 2/20/15 11:35 AM, Geoffrey Corey wrote:
>>> (Adding Commons' dev list as well as original poster)
>>> Hi Apache Commons,
>>> Please fix your download page(s) by setting the execute bit on your CGI
>>> files and committing the changes to subversion.
>>> This is not a new error, but it is one we have previously fixed manually.
>>> We are however not doing that anymore, but instead require that projects
>>> fix the issue upstream.
>>> With regards,
>>> Geoffrey on behalf of Infra.
>> Downloads seem to be working.  Did someone fix this?  How exactly? 
>> Seems strange that suddenly things blow up.
> Scratch that.  Seems like some mirrors work; others do not.  Once
> again, does anyone know what is going on here or what we need to
> actually do?  Do we need to check out chmod and check back in each
> download_Xxx.cgi?  Will this just get wiped out each time we pub a
> site?  Anyone have a clue on this?

I guess we need to set the executable flag via subversion like that:

svn propset svn:executable yes download_*.cgi

I am checking out the proper website and will update this for all
download scripts.

This will probably be lost everytime we update the site, but needs to be


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