On 9 February 2015 at 08:14, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Le 09/02/2015 02:40, sebb a écrit :
>> -1
>> This has broken the Continuum build.
> I'm going to fix this.
>> Also the JMH website says:
>> "The recommended way to run a JMH benchmark is to use Maven to setup a
>> standalone project that depends on the jar files of your application.
>> This approach is preferred to ensure that the benchmarks are correctly
>> initialized and produce reliable results. It is possible to run
>> benchmarks from within an existing project, and even from within an
>> IDE, however setup is more complex and the results are less reliable."
> It doesn't mean it can't be useful the way I integrated it. Give it a
> try and let me know if you find the results unreliable.
>> Further, it's not clear to me what the JMH license is.
>> It rather looks like GPL.
> It's GPL + classpath exception and affects only the benchmark class, not
> the actual library we distribute and executed by our users, so I think
> it's fine.

However we distribute the pom, which may download the JMH code.

> It seems the log4j project also uses JMH, they sorted out the licensing
> question by removing the benchmarks from the source distribution. I
> don't ming doing that for [csv] as well.

I think the JMH pom also needs to be excluded.
Both because of the licensing issue and because it will likely fail if
the benchmarks are missing.

> Emmanuel Bourg
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