Hi everybody,

after the intense discussions last weeks, this week we're coming down to what could be a suitable approach for Commons RDF.

Summarizing, we understand that the Apache Commons project wants to keep the communication rules as they currently are. Though we think that in this phase of the Commons RDF project, which focuses on the API design and actively involves the developers of existing toolkits, it is better to have a more focused community and infrastructure. Therefore we have come to the conclusion that incubation is probably the best path, and then gradually prepare the Commons RDF community for working within the larger Apache Commons community. So we invite everybody to join the project in case you are interested, particularly the current module at sandbox.

In the following days we plan to discuss the proposal with the Incubator PMC (we already started to work on a draft http://git.io/F0hi ) with the clear mid-term goal of coming back graduated as a Apache Commons module. Since the path is clear, although Andy or myself could do it because we are IPMC members, I'd like to have a Champion who is also part of the Commons PMC, any volunteer?

We hope this is a satisfactory solution for everybody. I personally apologize for the noised caused, but all discussions with you guys were really good.


Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 660 2747 925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co
w: http://redlink.co

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