Building the full site for a component can be quite time-consuming,
which makes checking the documentation build tedious.

Almost all the reports have "skip" parameters, so it's possible to
build up a command that only builds the component docs. This can be
saved as a shell script or alias. (Or define a profile in
But those won't be available on other systems - or to other users.

Just wondering whether anyone else would find it useful to have an
(optional) profile for this?

For example, I have an alias:

mvnsite='mvn site -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip -Dmaven.clover.skip
-Dcobertura.skip -Dfindbugs.skip -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dclirr.skip

It would be possible to define these props in a profile, for example
"basic" (or "docsonly" ?)

mvn site -Pbasic

This would then create a basic site without all the additional reports.

If a particular report was needed, that would be possible too:

mvn site -Pbasic -Dclirr.skip=false

Just a thought.

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