Converting an example from the user guide using Lambdas (Not an expert so bear
with me - And note that the inputArray > inputStream):
// Get a DescriptiveStatistics instance
DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
// Add the data from the array
for( int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
inputStream.forEach( value -> stats.addValue(value));
And now we can use Java 8's map, reduce, filter, sum, parallel, etc. on the
Part of the reason for the rapid growth of NodeJS is that developers like
functional programming.
Constructs like forEach, filter, map, and reduce are popular. This paper has a
lot of great examples
of things that can be done with these functions, and demonstrates adding simple
concurrency with parallel().
- Ole
On 01/14/2015 10:16 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
On 1/14/15 4:38 AM, sebb wrote:
On 14 January 2015 at 08:18, Martin Grotle Soukup
<> wrote:
My two cents in favour of java 8:
IIUC the next major release will break backwards compatibility and aims to
clean up the API. Taking a look at the release frequency of commons math
[1], it shows releases every 9-12 months (give or take). Given that the
next big release is a major one (4.0), this indicate that a release in 2016
is a more likely target than in 2015.
It might be the case that people use java 6 or 7 today, but the picture
might be a different one a year from now.
Does Java 8 offer any benefits to the user?
No one has said much about this. Could be some APIs could be
expressed better, but no one has provided any examples.
i.e. if CM is released for Java 7 or Java 6 would that impact on
people running Java 8?
No, unless they want to see language features used that are not used.
As a comparison, libraries that have not been updated to Java 5
generics do make a difference to Java 5+ users.
But enhanced for loops have no direct impact on the user.
There are really three things to think about when deciding whether
to require JDK x+
1. Are there things you can't do / express without JDK x?
2. Does requiring JDK x+ cut out a large portion of the user base?
3. Are there a lot of things that are easier / simpler / more fun
to implement in JDK x+?
Items 1. and 3. really impact developers and contributors; but being
too far out in 2. can indirectly influence that as well. We went
for a long time requiring only 1.5 because there really was nothing
material for [math] in 1. and 3. included only a few things (most
commonly the compat bug I introduced in 3.4.1 due to missing array
copy, which is something we do a lot in [math]).
I think Martin's point on timing is a good one. The last time I
looked at stats, the thundering herd was still 6-7. Could be by the
time we actually cut 4.0, that will have changed.
It would be great though if someone could give some positive reasons
that JDK 8+ features really help us. I am still in the 7 camp, due
to where the users are now; but if there are compelling 1. or 3.
things, I would be OK bumping to 8.
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