sebb wrote:

> On 9 January 2015 at 00:47, Bernd Eckenfels <>
> wrote:
>> Am Fri, 9 Jan 2015 00:38:31 +0000
>> schrieb sebb <>:
>>> Just tried the animal sniffer on NET (Java 1.5) - I added a call to
>>> new IOException(new Exception()) which is Java 1.6+
>> What Java did you use to start maven? Looks like Animal sniffer itself
>> uses Java 7 API.
> Java 7, but I just tried Java 6 and that worked the same.
> I raised a bug about the unhelpful output.
> There are some bug reports which suggest that the plugin is not 100%
> accurate compared with a compiler.
> So at best the plugin can be used to detect some API violations.
> I think we still need to build and test with the appropriate Java version.

IMHO the animal sniffer is a good thing to add to our POMs, since it will at 
least detect that there's a problem. Even if it cannot generate a completely 
useful error report, it forces you to test with the lower JDK.


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