Le 22/12/2014 18:28, sebb a écrit :
> On 22 December 2014 at 17:09, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org> wrote:
>> Le 22/12/2014 17:33, sebb a écrit :
>>> On 22 December 2014 at 16:19, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org> wrote:
>>>> Le 22/12/2014 16:44, sebb a écrit :
>>>>> -1
>>>>> There are still problems in the NOTICE and/or LICENSE files.
>>>>> None of the additional attributions in the NOTICE file have
>>>>> corresponding entries in the LICENSE file.
>>>> There are 3 attributions in the Notice file.
>>>>  - one for the erf function. There were no license. We had to contact,
>>>>    the author directly and he allowed us to reuse the code under the
>>>>    Apache license.
>>> Where is that contact documented?
>> It is explained in the MATH-948 JIRA issue. We get a Sofware grant from
>> Mike Giles (Oxford University) that was sent to secretary on March 23th
>> 2013.
> The JIRA does not reference the actual communication, so it's not
> possible to trace this.
>>> It would be helpful to have it in the LICENSE file.
> Still true.
>>>>  - the second one was for Ben McCann work. This was distributed under
>>>>    the Apache License, which is in the license file
>> For this one, we also received a grant on 2009-03-16. As the original
>> files posted in MATH-246 did include an author tag. I asked Ben if I
>> could remove it and put it in the NOTICE file. He was fine with this.
> Again, only part of the conversation is documented.
> It is not clear if the author would have been happy with other forms
> of attribution.
>>>>  - the thirs one is for Orekit, which is also distributed under
>>>>    Apache 2 license and therefore is present in the License file.
>>>> I do not think we need to copy the Apache license three times in one file.
>>> Of course not, but the LICENSE file must still state that AL 2.0 is
>>> used for these items.
>> So, should I put this in NOTICE or LICENSE. I am afraid I am lost there.
> The LICENSE file needs to mention all 3rd party licenses.
> For AL 2.0, it just needs to mention which 3rd party items are
> included under it.
> For other licenses, the licenses themselves need to be included,
> either in-line or via a link to a separate file that is included in
> the distribution.
>>>>> That cannot be correct, regardless of whether the attributions are 
>>>>> required.
>>>>> AFAICT the attributions are not required *unless* they were removed
>>>>> from source code.
>>>> I strongly disagree here. It is completely forbidden to remove copyright
>>>> from files unless allowed by the user.
>>> I agree (I wrote *unless* ... above), but is that the case here?
>> At least for the Orekit case, the library does have a NOTICE file, so
>> according to the Apache license we must include the relevant parts,
>> and the parts that have been included are the ones for which the
>> attribution is required (i.e. the other parts in Orekit NOTICE that were
>> not included in Apache because we imported only a small part have been
>> removed so Apache Commons Math NOTICE contains only the minimum required
>> by the license, has stated in the commit message for 4edc00b).
> OK, but this does not explain why the Orekit references in N & L are
> completely different.
>>>> When a license states that
>>>> attribution must be put "in the documentation and/or other materials
>>>> provided with the  distribution", it doesn't mean you are allowed to
>>>> removed them for elsewhere.
>>> Attribution can also be satisified by the LICENSE file.
>>> For example, this is true of BSD and MIT
>>> http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
>>>>> The RC e-mail needs a link to the KEYS file (not a release blocker)
>> Do you consider the above NOTICE problems to be release blockers?
> Yes.
> And there are LICENSE issues as well.

So here is what I propose to do.

Add this after the Apache license text in the license file:

The previous Apache license applies to the code specifically
developed for Apache Commons Math by the committers, and to some
code developed by third parties that was licensed to the Apache
Software Foundation through Software Grants, or was already distributed
under the terms of the Apache V2 license. This includes:

 - The inverse error function implementation in the Erf class is based
   code developed by Mike Giles, Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative
   and published in GPU Computing Gems, volume 2, 2010 (grant received on
   March 23th 2013)
 - The LinearConstraint, LinearObjectiveFunction, LinearOptimizer,
   RelationShip, SimplexSolver and SimplexTableau classes in package
   org.apache.commons.math3.optimization.linear include software
developed by
   Benjamin McCann (http://www.benmccann.com) and distributed with
   the following copyright: Copyright 2009 Google Inc. (grant received on
   March 16th 2009)
 - The class
"org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util.LocalizedFormatsTest" which
   is an adapted version of "OrekitMessagesTest" test class for the
Orekit library
 - The "org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.HermiteInterpolator"
   has been imported from the Orekit space flight dynamics library.

Remove the attributions for Mike Giles and Ben McCann from NOTICE, as
they would now be in the above text in LICENSE.

Let only the Orekit very simple lines in NOTICE:

This product includes software developed for Orekit by
CS Systèmes d'Information (http://www.c-s.fr/)
Copyright 2010-2012 CS Systèmes d'Information

Would this solve the issues for you?

best regards,

>> best regards,
>> Luc
>>>>> It might help if the Git link pointed to the commit rather than the
>>>>> tarball, for example
>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=commons-math.git;a=commit;h=fe08f0d3bd0309db15d27335757336a8ac6f32d0
>>>>> This gives access to the tarball and the tree directly.
>>>> I don't think access to the tree would help here since the KEYS file
>>>> is shared with other components and is in the subversion part,
>>>> not the git part. So the link must be something specific. I'll
>>>> add it in the template.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Luc
>>>>> On 19 December 2014 at 15:54, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org> wrote:
>>>>>> This is a [VOTE] for releasing Apache Commons Math 3.4 from release
>>>>>> candidate 1.
>>>>>> Tag name:
>>>>>>   MATH_3_4_RC2 (signature can be checked from git using 'git tag -v')
>>>>>> Tag URL:
>>>>>> <https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=commons-math.git;a=snapshot;h=fe08f0d3bd0309db15d27335757336a8ac6f32d0;sf=tgz>
>>>>>> Commit ID the tag points at:
>>>>>>   fe08f0d3bd0309db15d27335757336a8ac6f32d0
>>>>>> Site:
>>>>>>   <http://people.apache.org/~luc/commons-math-3.4-RC2-site>
>>>>>> Distribution files:
>>>>>>   <https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/>
>>>>>> Distribution files hashes (SHA1):
>>>>>>  a0ef31377fa4a38be71ce6ddc28044e9c8d34ee8 commons-math3-3.4-bin.tar.gz
>>>>>>  a4ad5264c2016e893acb4e004438c370a927802c commons-math3-3.4-bin.zip
>>>>>>  2c300e94f69761b34f1b4247133776440a37c801 commons-math3-3.4-src.tar.gz
>>>>>>  c49b4f25e227ab66dfe90627d794c1e1accccdb4 commons-math3-3.4-src.zip
>>>>>> Maven artifacts:
>>>>>> <https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-1067/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.4/>
>>>>>> [ ] +1 Release it.
>>>>>> [ ] +0 Go ahead; I don't care.
>>>>>> [ ] -0 There are a few minor glitches: ...
>>>>>> [ ] -1 No, do not release it because ...
>>>>>> This vote will close in 72 hours, at 2014-12-22T16:00:00Z (this is UTC
>>>>>> time).
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