The completeness and correctness ranges from feature to feature and
file format to file format, eg. I wouldn't recommend it for JPEG
images (as opposed to their metadata):

You can look through the issues to see what is outstanding/wrong.

I wanted to make major API changes before the 1.0 release, to improve
reading multiple images, better generic metadata handling, etc. But I
wonder if that's better done in version 2.0?


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Mickley, Joshua R (Genworth)
<> wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I am evaluating the use of Commons Imaging for a project involving image 
> conversion and manipulation.
> My question is around a timeline for an official release of Commons Imaging 
> and suitability for use in a Production environment.
> I am currently using the SNAPSHOT version and am curious what bits of 
> functionality are needed prior to releasing the code.  The unit testing I 
> have achieved to date gives me a good impression but I wanted to inquire and 
> gain some additional insight.
> Let me know if there are any specific areas where I can help contribute.
> Thanks!
>   -Josh

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