
can anybody explain that?

C:\ws\asf\commons-vfs2-project>svn commit -m "[VFS-142] Remove instead
of null out FileContentThreadData" src\changes\changes.xml
Anmeldebereich: <https://svn.apache.org:443> ASF Committers Passwort
Sende              src\changes\changes.xml
Uebertrage Daten ..
Revision 1640242 Uebertragen.

<i was looking for the revision on the Web site to paste the url to a
bug but could not find it, so I checked:>

C:\ws\asf\commons-vfs2-project>svn info
Pfad: .
Wurzelpfad der Arbeitskopie: C:\ws\asf\commons-vfs2-project
URL: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/vfs/trunk
Relative URL: ^/commons/proper/vfs/trunk
Basis des Projektarchivs: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf
UUID des Projektarchivs: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Revision: 1639972
Knotentyp: Verzeichnis
Plan: normal
Letzter Autor: ecki
Letzte ge"nderte Rev: 1639972
Letztes Znderungsdatum: 2014-11-16 07:58:24 +0100 (So, 16. Nov 2014)

C:\ws\asf\commons-vfs2-project>svn up
Aktualisiere ¯.®:
svn: E160006: No such reported revision '1640242' found in the
repository.  Perhaps the repository is out of date with respect to the
master repository?

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