Le 03/11/2014 20:57, Luc Maisonobe a écrit :
> Le 03/11/2014 12:09, Gilles a écrit :
>> Hi.
> Hi Gilles,
>> Three posts such as the following were sent to this ML:
>>> Merge branch 'master' of
>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math
>>> Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math/repo
>>> Commit:
>>> http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math/commit/7df65a5d
>>> Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math/tree/7df65a5d
>>> Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math/diff/7df65a5d
>>> Branch: refs/heads/master
>>> Commit: 7df65a5ddf59b564af1d753b89d30f8dc33a2c5d
>>> Parents: 4a6bf54 45ae5c7
>>> Author: Gilles <er...@apache.org>
>>> Authored: Sun Nov 2 23:22:11 2014 +0100
>>> Committer: Gilles <er...@apache.org>
>>> Committed: Sun Nov 2 23:22:11 2014 +0100
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  src/changes/changes.xml                         |  3 +
>>>  .../math3/ode/ContinuousOutputModel.java        | 71
>>> ++++++++++++++++++--
>>>  .../math3/ode/sampling/StepInterpolator.java    | 28 ++++++--
>>>  .../math3/ode/ContinuousOutputModelTest.java    | 21 ++++--
>>>  4 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> They seem like a report on what happened on my local repository so
>> that I could commit local changes after the main repository had been
>> updated.
>> This kind of message looks utterly useless and distracts from those
>> that report actual changes to the main repository.
>> Don't you think that they should be filtered out?
> I'm not sure.
>> If not, can you explain their purpose?
> I think this is due to the very strict handling of history by Git. Each
> commit is completely linked with its parent and the commit hash takes
> this link into account. In other words, the commit does not depend only
> on what it contains but also on what point in the history it is applied to.
> A side effect is that if the main repository history is:
>   A -> B -> C -> D
> and at this point you clone it and start working on a local change, your
> local history will be as follows:
>   A -> B -> C -> D
>                  |
>                  -> G1 -> G2 -> G3
> Then, someone else pushes other modifications on the main repository,
> which still only has D as its head, so the main repository history becomes:
>   A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
> On your local clone, you merge these changes and get:
>   A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F---------
>                  |                  |
>                  -> G1 -> G2 -> G3 --> G4
> where G4 is a merge.
> This can occur several time.
> When you finally push your work back to the repository, it pushes the
> full history of your current head to become the new head. So you will
> see G1, G2, G3 (and this is really what you want, as it means you can do
> small incremental changes without losing anything), but it will also see
> some merge about thing you did not do yourself.

For the record, there is a way to completely avoid this merge, by
replacing the branch with a new one "replaying" the commits G1, G2 ...
on top of F instead of their original start commit which was D. This is
done using "git rebase". After a rebase, G1 parent becomes F and the
merge is done in a simpler linear way, this is what Git calls a
"fast-forward" merge. However, I would not recommend using rebase,
especially to someone not already accustomed to Git.

best regards,

> Here, commit 7df65 is a merge commit. It does not really include any
> change, but only records the fact the current point in history has two
> parents as it is the result of merging (here without any conflict)
> commits 4a6bf54 (which was also a previous merge in your local history)
> and 45ae5c7 (which was the head of main repository). If you follow the
> link "Diff" from the message, you will see this commit is labeled as
> "trivial merge" without any modified files associated.
> Perhaps you could ask INFRA why the message from merge commit 7df65 does
> contain the list of files modified by one of its parent commit (here
> 45ae5c7) instead of an empty list as there was no conflict between the
> merge. If I run "git show --format=fuller 7df65" to have an extensive
> description of the commit, I only get:
> commit 7df65a5ddf59b564af1d753b89d30f8dc33a2c5d
> Merge: 4a6bf54 45ae5c7
> Author:     Gilles <er...@apache.org>
> AuthorDate: Sun Nov 2 23:22:11 2014 +0100
> Commit:     Gilles <er...@apache.org>
> CommitDate: Sun Nov 2 23:22:11 2014 +0100
>     Merge branch 'master' of
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math
> Also looking at the list of files changed, it seems it includes files
> from several commits in the branches, not only the last changed files:
> commit 45ae5c7 only changed ContinuousOutputModel.java and not
> StepInterpolator.java which was changed by an earlier commit in the
> history. So I really don't know how the files list is created and put
> into the message. Perhaps INFRA knows.
> best regards,
> Luc
>> Regards,
>> Gilles
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