Let me try one at a time - commons-jelly attached.

On 17/10/2014 19:22, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

I see no attachments here. Can you post it to some web-place please?


On 17 oct. 2014, at 10:42, Rory O'Donnell <rory.odonn...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi Benedict,

As I already mentioned we have prepared guidance on migrating some of the more 
common usage patterns of JDK-internal APIs
to supported public interfaces. The list is on the OpenJDK wiki [0], along with 
instructions on how to run the jdeps analysis tool yourself .

I have prepared reports , attached to this email, for commons-jelly-1.0 & 
commons-launcher-1.1 based on the jdeps output.

For anything where your migration path is unclear, I would appreciate comments 
on the JDK-internal API usage patterns in the attached jdeps reports - in 
particular comments elaborating on the rationale for them - either to me or on 
the adoption-discuss [1] mailing list at OpenJDK.

Finding suitable replacements for unsupported interfaces is not always 
straightforward, which is why I am reaching out to you
early in the JDK 9 development cycle so you can give feedback about new APIs 
that may be needed to facilitate this exercise.

Thank you in advance for any efforts and feedback helping us make JDK 9 better.


[0] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/JDK8/Java+Dependency+Analysis+Tool
[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/adoption-discuss

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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