2014-10-17 13:52 GMT+02:00 Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2014-10-17 12:23 GMT+02:00 Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org>:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > 2014-10-16 15:30 GMT+02:00 Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com>:
>> >
>> > <snip>
>> >
>> >>
>> >> In TomEE the stack uses [lang], then [lang3] was created and now TomEE
>> >> needs [lang] + [lang3] where actually it only needs [lang] features,
>> >> ie suppose package didn't change then we wouldn't have had any issue.
>> >> So it means you tend to import multiple versions of the same lib just
>> >> cause few parts were broken even if it doesn't affect you. That's a
>> >> bit sad IMO.
>> >>
>> >
>> > If there is anything missing in lang3 that blocks you from migrating
>> > completely, can you tell us what that is? Maybe we can fix that...
>> >
>> Issue is not in [commons] but in dependencies. The code we own
>> migrated but not all our deps.
> I suggest you ask/Jira each dep to update their [lang] to the latest. That
> has worked for me in the past with different FOSS projects I've made the
> request about this and that libraries.
> Some projects will be receptive and at least reply to you right away,
> others won't. Patches help of course since will require at least import
> changes.

yep, main issue ATM is some can't or doesn't maitain the version we
use - excepted for security issues (we are bound to a EE version for
instance). It meanse it will be forgotten in few years but it also
means we can get the same with [lang3] and [lang4] so clearly
something to tackle at [commons] level. We can't just ask everybody to
update each time IMHO.

> Gary
>> > Benedikt
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > http://people.apache.org/~britter/
>> > http://www.systemoutprintln.de/
>> > http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter
>> > http://github.com/britter
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