On 14 October 2014 14:07, Duncan Jones <djo...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 9 October 2014 19:17, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I'm not fond that we need this method. However you're raising a good point.
>> BooleanUtils only "talks" english. It understands "yes" and "no" but not
>> "ja" and "nein" or "oui" and "non". It would be nice to have a possibilty
>> to make the toBoolean(String) method work for other langues.
> We have toBoolean(str, trueString, falseString), which helps to some extent.
> To make this class more universal, we could add an overload that
> accepts Sets of strings for both false and true, meaning that
> toBoolean(String) can be emulated for other languages and arbitrary
> groups of true/false values. I'll raise an issue to suggest this.

Now done, see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LANG-1048

> Meanwhile, I've closed the currently discussed issue (975) since we
> don't really have anyone in favour of it.
>> OTOH this can easily be implemented in a custom MyAppBooleanUtils which
>> delegates to commons BooleanUtils and passes the correct default values.
>> 2014-10-09 16:25 GMT+02:00 Filippo Balicchia <fbalicc...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi James,
>>> IMHO I can't see the real need for this improvement,
>>> any way, I disagree with this case
>>> BooleanUtils.toBoolean(null, null) = true
>>> Regards
>>> --Filippo
>>> 2014-10-09 9:49 GMT+02:00 James Sawle <jamessa...@hotmail.com>:
>>> > I have created a patch for the above issue, which adds a new method
>>> signature to simplify the conversion from Strings to Booleans based upon a
>>> single true boolean String. This is therefore unlike the other methods,
>>> which either take no parameters (use a prebuilt list of true and false
>>> values), or require the user to provide a true, false and null value that
>>> the parameter must match.
>>> > It has been pointed out by Duncan Jones, that this is jus syntactic
>>> sugar, due to it purely wrapping the StringUtils.equals method. Therefore
>>> the question is, whether having this simple method would drastically
>>> improve readability in calling code, or whether this would just be code
>>> bloat for the sake of it.
>>> > Personally, there is another option, which would be to have a version of
>>> the method that takes a varargs of true values. This could therefore be
>>> more useful in general cases, and could be used to simplify some of the
>>> underlying String to boolean conversions. However, it should then be noted
>>> that this would just become a contains check, with added protection around
>>> null values. This would possibly also be more used to StringUtils with a
>>> wrapper method within the BooleanUtils, which again raises the question of
>>> code bloat.
>>> > Any comments would be much appreciated.
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>> --
>> http://people.apache.org/~britter/
>> http://www.systemoutprintln.de/
>> http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter
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