Hi Gilles,
Le 2014-10-07 12:12, Gilles a écrit :
Hello Luc.
On Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:03:28 -0000, l...@apache.org wrote:
Repository: commons-math
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master 026af89ce -> e99b9ef25
Updated developers documentation after migration to Git.
Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math/repo
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 58ecf6b9543e0b5edc2bef8c4f4b4965d0a70f24
Parents: 026af89
Author: Luc Maisonobe <l...@apache.org>
Authored: Mon Oct 6 14:22:00 2014 +0200
Committer: Luc Maisonobe <l...@apache.org>
Committed: Mon Oct 6 14:25:09 2014 +0200
src/site/xdoc/developers.xml | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/developers.xml
index 825fc22..d74595b 100644
--- a/src/site/xdoc/developers.xml
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/developers.xml
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@
<li>Download the Commons Math source code. Follow the
- under the heading "Anonymous Subversion" on the
- <a
href="http://www.apache.org/dev/version-control.html">Apache version
- control page</a> (Also have a look at the
- <a href="http://wiki.apache.org/commons/UsingSVN">Commons
- svn page </a>) to check out the Commons Math code base from
- The svn url for the current development sources of Commons
- is
+ under the heading "Repository Checkout" on the
+ <a href="https://git-wip-us.apache.org/">Git at the ASF
+ The git url for the current development sources of Commons
+ is
+ for anonymous read-only access and
+ (where apacheid should be replaced by each committer Apache
ID) for committers
+ read-write access.
<li>Like most commons components, Commons Math uses Apache
Maven as our
build tool. The sources can also be built using Ant (a
@@ -152,10 +152,14 @@
Please make sure to set your IDE or editor to use spaces
instead of tabs.
- Committers should make sure that svn properties are correctly
set on
- files added to the repository. See the section on Committer
- Access on the <a
- Apache Source Code Repositories</a> page.
+ Committers should configure the <source>user.name</source>,
+ <source>user.email</source> and <source>core.autocrlf</source>
+ git repository or global options with <source>git
+ The first two options set the identity and mail of the
+ The third option deals with line endings to achieve consistency
+ in line endings. Windows users should configure this option to
+ <source>true</source> while OS X and Linux users should
Is the "user.name" the Apache id or just the real name? [I.e. what is
setting used for?]
It is the real name. It is used to populate the various fields in the
If for example I run "git log -1 --format=full" in a command window
the last commit I made a few minutes ago, I get:
commit a67f0a33e68abf1c985db28b19ce70f427fd48bd
Author: Luc Maisonobe <l...@apache.org>
Commit: Luc Maisonobe <l...@apache.org>
Added all Java 8 StrictMath methods to FastMath.
This change allows FastMath to remain compatible with newer Java
versions, despite it stiil requires only Java 5 to compile and run.
So user.name was used to put Luc Maisonobe at the start of the Author
and Commit fields,
and user.email was used to append <l...@apache.org> in the same fields
that the property value is l...@apache.org for me, the brackets have been
inserted automatically by Git when the commit was created.
Perhaps the documentation should show how one does actually set the
values. [The first few newbie documentation I came across did not
mention "git config".]
I did not include it because it was already described in the Apache page
linked to: <https://git-wip-us.apache.org/>, in the "Committers: Getting
section near the beginning of the page.
I'll add a reference to the Git book too. Here it is:
+ it to <source>input</source>.
What is "input" and how does it differ from "true"?
A ggod explanation is in the Git book page on configuration, here is a
direct link:
Basically, the core.autocrlf setting can take several different values:
"true", "false", "input".
True means that you always convert from the repository LF to workspace
CRLF, which is useful for Windows.
Input means that you convert only in one direction (from workspace to
repository, stripping accidental
CRLF so the repository is always clear with LF only), anf false means
you don't convert anything, so
it works only when everyone uses the same patform (i.e. all Windows or
all Linux/OS-X). It is clearly
irrelevant for us.
best regards,
<subsection name='Documentation'>
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