Le 30/05/2014 00:39, Mark Thomas a écrit :
> On 29/05/2014 23:16, Evan Ward wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to setup write access for the clone I have of the github
>> [math] repository. I thought that since every commit in that repository
>> already had a git-svn-id it would be relatively easy, so I ran git svn
>> init and git svn fetch. But the fetch has been running for ~5 hours now
>> and seems to be checking out every commit individually! Is this typical
>> of what other people using git svn have seen?  How did other git svn
>> users setup their repository?
> And fairly soon the ASF svn server is probably going to ban you for abuse.
> Everything you need to set this up without hammering the svn server is
> here (and associated links):
> http://git.apache.org/
> It should take less than a minute with a decent internet connection.
>> When I was searching the mail archives about this I saw a few emails
>> about [math] switching to git, but didn't see a final decision. Is that
>> still in progress? Maybe I'll just wait until the writable git
>> repository gets set up...
> That might be a long wait.

Well, I would really like to see it happen.

I am still volunteering to help people new to git on this, and I still
think [math] could be a good candidate as the the commons component to
switch to git.

best regards,

> Mark
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