Hi, I'm trying to reproduce VFS-298 with the unit test (in trunk) because I met a similar exception in my application, but I can't execute the unit test, ProviderRenameTests. When I run `mvn clean install' in the root folder, I can't find 'core/target/surefire-reports/*ProviderRenameTests*.txt'.
Also, `mvn -P ftp test -Dtest=ProviderRenameTests' in the core/ directory gives NPEs like the following: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.apache.commons.vfs2.test.AbstractProviderTestCase.runTest(AbstractProviderTestCase.java:200) at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:141) ... Any hints? Regards, Woonsan P.S, I'm sending this again because my message hasn't seem to be sent yesterday. Apologies if posted twice.