On Thu, 1 May 2014 16:31:13 -0500, Paul Benedict wrote:

Javadoc is not XHTML but HTML... and not just HTML, but an HTML fragment. Documentation writers need to remember that their content is being placed
within a bigger document so correct tag usage is important to get
predictable results.

The issue here is: what is correct tag usage?
IIRC, some years ago, W3C indicated that lenient HTML syntax was a design mistake, and transitional syntax was intended to make future versions of (X)HTML be strictly XML-compliant (a.o. to simplify processing and enhance
the chance of "predictable results").
From the partial information gotten here due to the issue with the release
of CM, I get the impression that for some obscure reason, Java tries to
distance itself from the path set by the W3C.

Until we know all the consequences of upgrading to Java8, I think that we
should not rush to make unnecessary changes.

I think all Math committers will find this thread about the Javadoc changes
for Java 8 to be informative (switching to thread view can help):


If that means that Javadoc will become tied to legacy HTML, it's a reason for not using it more than necessary; in particular using entities should
be avoided wherever possible.

IMO, it makes little sense that Oracle now _requires_ than developers write
less legible documentation. This is turning back the clock...


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