I think it should be 6.0 since we've changed from requiring jdk1.4 to jdk1.5 and that really shouldn't be done on a point release.

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On 2014-04-25 08:57, Gary Gregory wrote:
Either version # is fine with me.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Torsten Curdt <tcu...@vafer.org> wrote:

Go go go! Thanks for looking into this :)

IIRC there is so much stuff fixed and changed from 5.2 - I think
calling it 6.0 expresses this better than 5.3.
Especially with the changes to the visitor interface.


On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org>
> Hi all,
> I'm currently working on the migration to Java 8 in Debian and several
> packages are broken due to the lack of invokedynamic support in BCEL 5.2
> (the dreaded ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool:
> 18). I think it's high time for a release. Even if the current code
> isn't perfect it's far better than BCEL 5.2 (there are ~60 issues fixed
> in JIRA).
> The code on the trunk isn't fully compatible with the previous release
> due to the addition of methods to the Visitor interface. By Commons
> standards we would usually change the package, however I think it's safe
> to keep the org.apache.bcel package as is. The Visitor interface is
> never implemented directly, I have found that projects always extend the
> EmptyVisitor class instead. I've rebuilt several projects using BCEL
> (ant, ant-contrib, clirr, clirr-maven-plugin, ha-jdbc, jbossas, jibx,
> mx4j, xalan, maven-shared-jar, robocode) and they all worked fine with
> the current snapshot.
> The code on the trunk is numbered 6.0, are we ok with that or should we
> use 5.3 for the next release?
> Emmanuel Bourg
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