On 28 February 2014 17:02, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've managed to implement the major BCJ filters for 7z (special filters
>> for native executables) by simply invoking the XZ for Java
>> implementations for it.  This is needed for  COMPRESS-257.
>> Unfortunately there is a bug in XZ for Java that has already been fixed
>> in git.  When using a released version of XZ together wirh Compress
>> 1.8-SNAPSHOT you'll be greeted with an AssertionError thrown from inside
>> XZ as soon as you try to read an archive that uses BCJ.
>> I see two options and I'm not quite sure which is better from a user's
>> POV:
>> * document the problem in XZ so people know they'll need to upgrade XZ
>>   once it becomes available - and deal with recurring questions about
>>   AssertionErrors
> I like this one because we can document it and then the user can just drop
> in a new XZ. Otherwise you'd need BOTH XZ and [compress] to have a new
> release.

Can Compress catch the specific Assertion Error and convert it to a
message that explains the issue?
Perhaps even provide a link to a Wiki FAQ?

Alternatively, can Compress detect the XZ version and refuse to run
BCJ, again with suitable message?

These work-rounds can eventually be removed.

> Gary
>> * back out the BCJ code and re-introduce it once XZ has seen a new
>>   release - this way users get a "method not supported" error rather
>>   than some strange AssertionError
>> Stefan
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