It looks like this should be a smooth release :)


On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 2:03 AM, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> this is a heads-up that I intend to cut a RC for Compress 1.8 soon.  We
> have accumulated a few bugfixes and at least COMPRESS-264 is pretty
> serious.
> I've already updated the website from trunk (basically to have the new
> skin online) so you can already have a look at the reports.
> Before I cut the release I intend to spike a solution for COMPRESS-257
> which could bring us about six new filters supported as 7z methods
> because they are supported by XZ for Java - if this turns out to be more
> difficult than it looks right now, I wouldn't delay the release for it.
> I don't intend to work on any other issue before the release, so if you
> want anything else to go in, please speak up.
> Apart from the bugfixing we've added better support for 7z compression
> methods - you can now chose a stack of more than one method when writing
> (this has always been possible when reading), pass options to the
> methods and use different configurations per entry.  The core of this
> are the new get/setContentMethods methods in SevenZOutpuzFile and
> SevenZArchiveEntry along with the new SevenZMethodConfiguration class.
> I'm notoriously bad at naming and am not too sure about the API I've
> created, so any feedback on either or the minimal documentation I've
> added to Javadoc and the examples page is more than welcome.
> Cheers
>         Stefan
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