On 2014-01-25, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 2013-12-30, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

>>> Compress 1.x is at Java5, personally I don't think Java6 would give us
>>> any benefits.  I don't know about the other improvements in NIO2 but the
>>> java.nio.file package looks useful for compress.

>> In the meantime it has been pointed out to me that Android doesn't
>> support NIO2.  I can imagine Android apps using Compress so this looks
>> like a good reason to hold back requiring Java7.

> It's already possible to use most Java 7 language level features and
> compile to Android (https://github.com/yareally/Java7-on-Android). It
> would also possible to reimplement the needed classes (which is only
> SeekableByteChannel?) in nio2 using some kind of wrapper on top of
> Android's java.nio.

It would also be a part java.nio.file.attribute, but we can re-invent
that as well, if needed.  What you suggest could work as long as we are
careful and never assume FileChannel implements SeekableByteChannel but
use some custom File => SeekableByteChannel code using Java7 if
available - I'm just afraid we'll forget to be careful.

> We could still use Java 7 / nio2 and then make a plan for Android
> releases.

Thanks for volunteering ;-)


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