On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:
> "Rationale: each instance variable gets initialized twice, to the same
> value. Java initializes each instance variable to its default value (0
> or null) before performing any initialization specified in the code. So
> in this case, x gets initialized to 0 twice, and bar gets initialized to
> null twice. So there is a minor inefficiency. This style of coding is a
> hold-over from C/C++ style coding, and it shows that the developer isn't
> really confident that Java really initializes instance variables to
> default values."

I think there are two better reasons.

First, if the variable were final, this redundant initialization
wouldn't compile. So I suppose it's a little good for consistency.

Second, it might generate confusion if the variable were initialized
and then reinitialized in two places. A glancing look that just saw
the first redundant initialization might miss the fact that it's
"really" initialized later in the constructor.

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