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The "SCXML/FrequentlyAskedQuestions" page has been changed by Woonsan Ko:

  ==== Do you have a simple example where Commons SCXML is used? ====
- Sure, take a look at the 
+ Sure, take a look at the 
  ==== What is a Context? And what is an Evaluator? ====
@@ -36, +36 @@

   * The ''Evaluator'' is a component with the capability of parsing and 
evaluating expressions. It is the "expression language engine".
- Commons SCXML currently provide implementations for 
 2.0 EL]].
+ Commons SCXML currently provide implementations for 
 2.0 EL]].
  ==== Which expression languages does the Commons SCXML implementation 
support? ====
-  * 
+  * 
-  * 
 2.0 EL]]
+  * 
 2.0 EL]]
  ==== How do I try out the sample SCXML documents? ====
- The SCXML distribution provides utility classes that offer mock command line 
environments allowing users to try out samples. The core dependencies for 
Commons SCXML are Commons Digester (which introduces a transitive dependency on 
Commons !BeanUtils, at the least) and Commons Logging. View the 
 page]] for the recommended version numbers. It may be possible to use lower 
version numbers for the Commons dependencies.
+ The SCXML distribution provides utility classes that offer mock command line 
environments allowing users to try out samples. The core dependencies for 
Commons SCXML are Commons Digester (which introduces a transitive dependency on 
Commons !BeanUtils, at the least) and Commons Logging. View the 
page]] for the recommended version numbers. It may be possible to use lower 
version numbers for the Commons dependencies.
  An environment specific expression language is used in SCXML documents. 
Commons SCXML currently supports the use of JEXL or JSP 2.0 EL in SCXML 
@@ -87, +87 @@

  You could set up something more elegant (a script, an ant task etc.), but 
that is what it boils down to. If the document is a well-formed SCXML document, 
you will be able to type {{{?}}} or {{{help}}} at the console and you can 
follow the directions thereafter (to simulate events, set variable values, 
reset the state machine or quit).
- A few examples are available as part of the 
 SCXML test suite]] (look in env packages as well). Enjoy, and feedback is 
always welcome.
+ A few examples are available as part of the 
 SCXML test suite]] (look in env packages as well). Enjoy, and feedback is 
always welcome.
  ==== Can I use more than one expression language in the same SCXML document? 
@@ -107, +107 @@

  ==== How do I enable / control the logging within the Commons SCXML package? 
- Commons SCXML uses Commons Logging. See the 
[[|Commons Logging Website]] for more 
+ Commons SCXML uses Commons Logging. See the 
[[|Commons Logging Website]] 
for more details.
  ==== Can multiple threads safely interact with an instance of SCXMLExecutor? 
@@ -125, +125 @@

  Here are two example from our usecases that have nothing to do with voice 
-  * 
 Stopwatch example]]
+  * 
 Stopwatch example]]
-  * 
 in Shale dialogs]]
+  * 
 in Shale dialogs]]
  ==== What are the core requirements of SCXML? Do I need to include the JSP 
and Servlet API or the Faces libraries? Do I need to include Commons JEXL or 
Commons EL? ====
@@ -134, +134 @@

  You do '''not''' need to include JSP or Servlet or Faces libraries. These are 
meant to come in via the servlet container environment and the corresponding 
classes in the Commons SCXML codebase which have those dependencies are meant 
to be used only in JSP/Servlet/Faces environments.
- In addition, you will need to choose an expression language for your SCXML 
documents. The recommended expression language for the Commons SCXML 
implementation is [[|JEXL]]. Using JEXL 
for expressions introduces a dependency of Commons JEXL. For usecases in 
JSP-based environments, EL will be a prefered choice over JEXL, and if you 
choose to use JSP 2.0 EL, that introduces a dependency of Commons EL and a 
runtime dependency on the JSP API (again, these should come in via the servlet 
+ In addition, you will need to choose an expression language for your SCXML 
documents. The recommended expression language for the Commons SCXML 
implementation is [[|JEXL]]. 
Using JEXL for expressions introduces a dependency of Commons JEXL. For 
usecases in JSP-based environments, EL will be a prefered choice over JEXL, and 
if you choose to use JSP 2.0 EL, that introduces a dependency of Commons EL and 
a runtime dependency on the JSP API (again, these should come in via the 
servlet container).
- See the 
 page]] on the Commons SCXML website for details about the dependency versions.
+ See the 
page]] on the Commons SCXML website for details about the dependency versions.
  ==== Does Commons SCXML implement the entire Working Draft? Are there any 
parts of the SCXML draft that are not covered by Commons SCXML? ====

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