We really need to remove the TLD check from domain validation.

"noplace.somedog" is a valid domain in the sense that it is properly formatted, but it is not a valid domain in the sense that the TLD does not exist. That distinction is missing in the domain Validator. It would be best to have two methods: one that checks the domain format, and another that checks if the domain exists.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 11/22/2013 8:07 AM, Jaun Oliver wrote:

I have got some questions regarding the EmailValidator.

The documentation states: This implementation is not guaranteed to catch all possible 
errors in an email address. For example, an address like nobody@noplace.somedog will pass 
validator, even though there is no TLD "somedog".

This is not true. When I try to validate the mentioned address 
nobody@noplace.somedog the validator returns false. The Validator does actually 
check the top-level domain. A look at the code reveals that this is done using 
the DomainValidator.

And here is the second finding: The domain list is not up-to-date. I understand that the recently 
"released" top-level domains like .kitchen, .tattoo and .bike are not supported yet (see 
http://newgtlds.icann.org//en/program-status/delegated-strings). But top level domains like 
XN--3E0B707E, XN--45BRJ9C and XN--80AO21A exist much longer (the first one since 2011). The Author 
of the DomainValidator class also mentions the "Authoritative and comprehensive list at 
http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt"; which does include these domains.

Are there any plans to update this list?


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