yep but this is not enough, almost each "component" is doing n++. This
is fast but since done under a lock if it can be removed it should.
Romain Manni-Bucau
Twitter: @rmannibucau

2013/11/20 Phil Steitz <>:
> On 11/20/13, 7:26 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>> next version (rewrite/fork):
>> was easier to centralize everything in a single class
> That is exactly what I meant about the moment statistics.  They can
> share state.  The problem is this approach eliminates the
> pluggability and also cuts out the other stats.  We can probably
> have it both ways by allowing you to turn off stuff you don't want
> and just having the moment stats share state.
> Phil
>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>> Blog:
>> LinkedIn:
>> Github:
>> 2013/11/20 Phil Steitz <>:
>>> On 11/20/13, 12:43 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> A quick mail to give some feedbacks of my tests.
>>>> I started to hack a bit to get rid of not used stats by sirona,
>>>> typically I do ATM:
>>>>         setSumsqImpl(NoopStat.INSTANCE);
>>>>         setSumLogImpl(NoopStat.INSTANCE);
>>>>         setGeoMeanImpl(NoopStat.INSTANCE);
>>>> (NoopStat is a mock of StorelessUnivariateStatistic doijg nothing)
>>>> Another point which could be improoved is the duplication of info
>>>> accross sub StorelessUnivariateStatistic (typically n computed several
>>>> times for instance).
>>> Good point.  Its kind of funny that simplest way to solve the
>>> problem you mention at the end is to remove the flexibility that you
>>> use in the beginning  - i.e., to no longer use separate stats
>>> instances to compute the bundled statistics.  The setup is the way
>>> it is precisely so that you can plug in alternative impls.  I had
>>> never thought of no-op-ing instances to suppress things, but it does
>>> work.  Having stats share state data is a little tricky but in
>>> theory possible.  The moment stats at least are set up to support
>>> this.   Patches are welcome.  If you don't mind opening a JIRA to
>>> suggest eliminating repeated computations that would be great.
>>> Phil
>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>>>> Blog:
>>>> LinkedIn:
>>>> Github:
>>>> 2013/11/6 Phil Steitz <>:
>>>>> On 11/6/13 9:05 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>>>> Great!
>>>>>> Btw not sure for sirona we oculd use it. One constraint on sirona-core
>>>>>> is to stay self contained. We already shade math3 so shading pool2 too
>>>>>> would start to create a big jar for this need. I'll try to bench
>>>>>> deeper next week too.
>>>>> OK - and any ideas you have about how to implement something
>>>>> lightweight inside [math] much appreciated.
>>>>> Phil
>>>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>>>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>> LinkedIn:
>>>>>> Github:
>>>>>> 2013/11/6 Phil Steitz <>:
>>>>>>> On 11/6/13 8:47 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>>>>>> well pool are based on locks so I'm not sure (it would need deep
>>>>>>>> benchs on a real app) it does worth it
>>>>>>> Commons pool2 uses pretty lightweight locking and using a pool of
>>>>>>> instances achieves the basic objective of reducing contention for
>>>>>>> the single sync lock on one SummaryStatistics object.   I bet it
>>>>>>> would improve throughput over the single-instance approach if
>>>>>>> maxActive, maxIdle were tuned.  If I get some time to play with
>>>>>>> this, I will report back with some benchmarks.
>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>>>>>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>> LinkedIn:
>>>>>>>> Github:
>>>>>>>> 2013/11/6 Phil Steitz <>:
>>>>>>>>> On 11/5/13 11:26 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hehe, right.
>>>>>>>>>> I looked a bit more today and LongAdder is only a part of the
>>>>>>>>>> solution. The stat computation still needs to lock to get acces to
>>>>>>>>>> previous values (N -> N+1). Basically the gain wouldn't be as
>>>>>>>>>> important as I thought :(.
>>>>>>>>> Right, but I think your original idea of maintaining a pool of
>>>>>>>>> instances (fewer that one per thread) to be periodically aggregated
>>>>>>>>> is a good one.  See below.
>>>>>>>>>> As I said before we'll wait a bit to gather feedbacks, if it blocks
>>>>>>>>>> I'll come back trying to find + propose a solution.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in all cases for your answers!
>>>>>>>>> A workaround that I have started playing with (partly for other
>>>>>>>>> benchmarking reasons) might be to actually use a pool for the stats
>>>>>>>>> objects that the monitoring threads use.  Using a pool would allow
>>>>>>>>> you to monitor and tune the parameters.  We now have (well, once the
>>>>>>>>> VOTE in progress completes :) a decently performing pool
>>>>>>>>> implementation.  The tricky bit is locking the instances during
>>>>>>>>> aggregation.  One way to handle this would be to have the factory's
>>>>>>>>> passivate method and the aggregation thread contend for locks on the
>>>>>>>>> pooled stats instances.  The only contention would be when
>>>>>>>>> aggregation is copying individual instances and contention would be
>>>>>>>>> with at most one client thread (waiting to proceed in passivate).
>>>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>>>>>>>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn:
>>>>>>>>>> Github:
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/11/5 Phil Steitz <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/5/13 9:57 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> @Phil: hmm can be but the framework would create its own overhead 
>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>> would be avoided with a dedicated solution, no? Well thought gain 
>>>>>>>>>>>> was great
>>>>>>>>>>>> for small investment but ok to postpone it
>>>>>>>>>>> As I said, patches welcome.  Go for it.  My point about the
>>>>>>>>>>> framework was that when you actually get this implemented inside,
>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. SummaryStatistics,  you will have built a mini-framework.
>>>>>>>>>>> Whatever overhead it has, it will have ;)
>>>>>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>>>>>>> Le 5 nov. 2013 18:54, "Romain Manni-Bucau" <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well I didnt test sirona in prod but when using jamon (same kind 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> framework) locks were creating a serious overhead on some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> benches. Not the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> most important but enough to try to solve it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said we are not yet in 1.0 so Im ok to wait for more serious
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feedbacks if you think it is better
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Le 5 nov. 2013 18:48, "Ted Dunning" <> a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:09 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh sorry, that's what I said early, in a real app no or not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enough to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue buy on simple apps or very high thrououtput apps yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Le 5 nov. 2013 07:00, "Ted Dunning" <> a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That isn't what I meant.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you really think that more than one metric has to update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (increment,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> say) at precisely the same time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I realize that is what you said.  Do you have any serious 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metrics have to be updated all or nothing?
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