On 14 Nov 2013, at 10:01, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

Le 10/11/2013 21:46, Christian Grobmeier a écrit :

From all the log4j talks I gave recently there were zero people using
commons-logging. For me it is dead.

For what it's worth, the install base of commons-logging in Debian is
ten times the one of slf4j, and there is no sign of it declining:

Not sure how debian users install that package and why. Maybe its indirectly
referenced by some widley used software package. I don't know.
That statistics doesn't count much to me.

Of course my experiences cannot be generalized too. They are subjective. But if you ask your audience who is using what and nobody uses commons-logging it makes you think. This has happened at multiple talks reaching a total of around 1500 persons.

We'll soon have an opportunity to improve commons-logging while
preserving backward compatibility thanks to the default methods in Java 8.

Preserving backwards compatibility? Till when? 2020? Too much backwards compatibility broke Commons. While other projects are not doing enough for bc, we are doing too much.

Java 8 is in future. In the meantime other logging frameworks will go on.

I have seen people are annoyed of the back and forth of logging. Commons Logging ads just some spice to the problems of logging, but not a real solution. I have had some hard fights with promoting Log4j2. I am not going to put any effort to fix commons-logging as I don't see the value.

Instead, I am going to spent my time to Log4j 2 and I am really surprised to hear that some Commons folks prefer to make commons-logging looking modern instead of contributing
to Log4j2 which also provides a modern API.

Anyway, its up to you folks. Have fun!


Emmanuel Bourg

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