On 11/10/13 9:39 AM, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
> On 11/10/2013 05:32 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> On 11/10/13 1:15 AM, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2013 07:03 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>> On 11/9/13 3:27 PM, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
>>>>> On 11/09/2013 11:21 PM, Gilles wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:13:05 -0800, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11/5/13 5:21 AM, Gilles wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>> I have scanned for exact duplicates quite a few times and never
>>>>>>>>>>> found any.  There are quite a few that are similar, but differ in
>>>>>>>>>>> material ways (strict versus non-strict inequalities, endpoints
>>>>>>>>>>> included / not included, etc.).  Please do not "collapse" messages
>>>>>>>>>>> at the expense of loss of specificity or correctness.
>>>>>>>>> Look at the messages.  These are different.  They convey different
>>>>>>>>> information and are appropriate in different contexts.  See below.
>>>>>>>> I've argued that context information should be constructed at the
>>>>>>>> point where the exception is thrown (where the context is known).
>>>>>>>> Not all combinations of exceptions and context need be present in
>>>>>>>> the pattern list.
>>>>>>>> This is the essence of my proposal below.
>>>>>>>>>> My position: the error (failed bracketing) should have its own
>>>>>>>>>> exception
>>>>>>>>>> type. The varying contexts could (do not have to) be part of the
>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>> built at exception instantiation.
>>>>>>>>>> If we want to include an indication of location (despite it is
>>>>>>>>>> already
>>>>>>>>>> part of the stack trace, so it is _redundant_), we could perhaps
>>>>>>>>>> add methods
>>>>>>>>>> to the "ExceptionContext", e.g. "where(LocalizeFormats pattern)"
>>>>>>>>>> (?).
>>>>>>>>>> Then, we would have thos patterns in the list:
>>>>>>>>>> BRACKETING
>>>>>>>>>> LINE_SEARCH
>>>>>>>>>> Note: INVALID and FAILED are redundant since the pattern is
>>>>>>>>>> intended to be
>>>>>>>>>> included in an exception.
>>>>>>>>>> A second "interesting" case is
>>>>>>>>>> which mixes documentation with error description. Does anyone
>>>>>>>>>> really thinks
>>>>>>>>>> that the enumeration of the rounding methods in the error message
>>>>>>>>>> is necessary
>>>>>>>>>> or even helpful?
>>>>>>>>> When I throw an exception, I want to provide an error message that
>>>>>>>>> is meaningful in the context of the caller, i.e., that someone
>>>>>>>>> looking at a log or stack trace can make sense of.  That sometimes
>>>>>>>>> means restating preconditions, sometimes pointing to boundary
>>>>>>>>> conditions, sometimes giving hints describing common causes of the
>>>>>>>>> exception - lots of different things that depend on the API, the
>>>>>>>>> activation context and the nature of the exception.  The natural way
>>>>>>>>> to do this is to use natural language sentences.  Please allow me to
>>>>>>>>> retain a straightforward way to construct these messages and to
>>>>>>>>> maintain the specificity and meaning of the messages.
>>>>>>>> IMHO, the level of details in the message is not needed: if the
>>>>>>>> exception
>>>>>>>> was thrown, the user should probably look at the documentation,
>>>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>>> than try another value at random; I'd say that it is harmful to
>>>>>>>> tempt the
>>>>>>>> users with something like "Pick another number". ;-)
>>>>>>>> [Shouldn't we rather provide function where the rounding type is
>>>>>>>> an enum?]
>>>>>>>> The main problem in those discussions is that you consider only "toy"
>>>>>>>> situations, where the message generated by Commons Math should
>>>>>>>> make sense
>>>>>>>> wherever the exception is caught, and even if it is not caught.
>>>>>>> What you keep failing to acknowledge is that in many real world
>>>>>>> applications, reading exception stack traces and application logs
>>>>>>> that contain error messages is an important operational activity.
>>>>>>> Having clear error messages that make sense in the context of the
>>>>>>> stack trace or application activation context makes the job of those
>>>>>>> maintaining and debugging those applications easier.  However hard
>>>>>>> we decide to make it, I will continue to provide these.
>>>>>> IMO, the real problem is old habits, period. Despite your repeating it
>>>>>> over and over, I never expressed anything in the sense of having less
>>>>>> information in the error messages. [I don't get what the stack trace has
>>>>>> to do here. And I just gave you a real example where whatever details
>>>>>> CM tries to provide, it will _never_ be sufficient because it cannot
>>>>>> know why the call failed; I suggested that the _same_ amount of
>>>>>> (necessary but not sufficient) information could perhaps be provided
>>>>>> with "little block" patterns glued with "addMessage" (or an improvement
>>>>>> thereof).]
>>>>>> Specific exceptions always provide more information than less specific
>>>>>> ones. Keeping low-level message (e.g. precondition failure) does not
>>>>>> preclude adding more specific messages when the context is known (that
>>>>>> happens in the code, and every little variant does not need to be
>>>>>> hard-coded in the currently overly long list of patterns).
>>>>>> My proposals were solely aimed at making the "preparation" of the
>>>>>> messages more efficient from a developer's perspective (e.g. no scanning
>>>>>> of 300+ patterns).
>>>>>> Stalling the experiment in endless arguments makes it less and less
>>>>>> worth trying.
>>>>>> All in all, the main argument seems to always be that if the user
>>>>>> cannot see the difference, it is not worth changing the design.
>>>>> Which is also a pragmatic and valid approach here imho.
>>>>> If there are no real user complaints about this topic (and I am not
>>>>> aware of any) and no other solution will greatly enhance the current
>>>>> state, it is really not worth doing it.
>>>>> Part of my day job is to debug very complex systems and the most
>>>>> important thing is that you get what you expect, i.e. according to the
>>>>> contract of a method, which btw also includes the method name. Detailed
>>>>> error messages are nice to have but not really required (as long as you
>>>>> understand the purpose of the code which any user/developer of CM should
>>>>> do).
>>>>> More meaningful error messages would make sense if our targeted audience
>>>>> are really end-users but I think this is a bit far-fetched.
>>>> Not really.  Does not have to be end users, just someone looking at
>>>> an application log that reproduces the messages or the stack traces
>>>> themselves.  Sometimes operations / production support teams do not
>>>> have access or time to look at source code or javadoc.  Informative
>>>> error messages that give more information about the failure can be
>>>> useful to these people.  Sure, you can push all of that off to the
>>>> client app developers; but it can make *their* lives easier too to
>>>> get more information, especially information about parameter values,
>>>> which invariants were violated, etc.  The simplest and easiest to
>>>> digest way to do that is to provide good error messages.
>>> If the contract is violated, then it is a bug and has to go to 3rd level
>>> support (aka developer) anyway and this you can see immediately if there
>>> is an IllegalArgumentException.
>> Not necessarily.  Could be a data or environment problem.
>>> For algorithm related problems, like MaxIterationExceededExceptions or
>>> similar ones can you really express why this happened? I think it is
>>> much more robust to take such exceptions into account in the first
>>> place, i.e. algorithms may not converge for certain inputs and a client
>>> app developer has to present a meaningful error (in the context of the
>>> application!) to a user or the log file.
>>> I even think that more detailed error messages give people the illusion
>>> that they can skip proper exception handling as CM already does it so well.
>> No, they just provide more info that can be useful in
>> troubleshooting or debugging, the most important of which is usually
>> info about application state when the error happened.
>>> Just an example: if you try to open a non-existent file with the Java
>>> API, do you get the error code of the respective system call on your
>>> operating system? No, you get a FileNotFoundException, but what do you
>>> do with it? 
>>> Would you log the error message contained in the exception
>>> or a more specific one in the context of your application?
>>> Imho, the first option makes applications very hard to maintain.
>> It is not either/or.  Depends on the application use case.  If on
>> the other hand you *don't* provide decent error messages, developers
>> don't have this choice.
>>> Now the Java API is quite easy to understand and a lot of people know it
>>> very well, but take the example further for any 3rd party library your
>>> application may be using. How is your operation engineer supposed to
>>> know all error states of all the used 3rd party libraries and put them
>>> in the right context? If he/she is lucky enough there is a an operations
>>> manual for their own application ...
>> Yep, such manuals exist all over the place in the real world.  And
>> the first failure data capture (FFDC) in the logs is used both by
>> first-level support as well as when issues are escalated.   As Bloch
>> points out, when failures are hard to reproduce, the FFDC data is
>> all that those working a production issue have to go on.  For this
>> reason, "it is critically important that an Exception's toString
>> method return as much information as possible about the cause of the
>> failure as possible..." [1]
>>> Interpreting and proper handling of 3rd party code is the job of the
>>> client app developer, and he/she has to do it right. If you may get an
>>> exception you have to take care about it, everything else will just
>>> create headaches.
>> Well, in real-world applications, headaches happen.  Preparing those
>> who have to deal with them with good FFDC can make it much easier to
>> deal with them. You are right that top notch developers using [math]
>> will manage all of this themselves, carefully preserving all context
>> data around failures and doing what they need to do to provide
>> themselves and whoever else helps support their apps with the info
>> they need.  Unfortunately, not all developers consistently do this
>> and when failures from lower-level libraries make it into stack
>> traces, it really helps for them to provide informative messages. 
>> Moving to unchecked exceptions uniformly makes this even more important.
> I am somehow lost, as from my understanding we have all these things in
> CM already. There are mainly two classes of exceptions that may occur:
>  * invalid input
>  * algorithm did not converge
> For both we provide in most cases meaningful error messages together
> with the exception. In the case of invalid input, Bloch clearly states
> that these are programming errors, and if something like this appears in
> a production environment you should rather question the development
> process than the FFDC policy of 3rd party libraries
> And for the case of convergence exceptions, I think it is very difficult
> to express more meaningful information into the error message than we
> already have. It is highly dependent on the context in which an
> algorithm is used, thus again, the application developer is in the best
> position to provide meaningful error information if something fails, as
> he/she knows precisely the context / purpose.
> I know the simplex algorithm quite well, and it may happen, dependent on
> the problem definition that the SimplexSolver may not find a solution
> after x iterations. So what do you put as an error message in such a case?
> The constraints may be too tight, the convergence criteria too strict,
> ... but in the end the solver could not find a solution. The developer
> must figure out why (or ask on the mailinglist ;-) and adjust the
> problem or parameters to the solver in order to make it work.
> So I agree with all the points stated in Effective Java and I think we
> sufficiently applied them in CM.

I agree with you here.  I just want to maintain the ability to keep
doing what we are already doing, which I agree is a good job
providing informative error messages.  Sorry for the noise.

> There are parts in CM where I have no clue how to use it and this is the
> more important issue to tackle imho.
> Thomas
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