Am 06.11.2013 19:14, schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Gary Gregory <> wrote:

Thank you Damjan for cutting another release!

In the future, please summarize changes from RC to RC in the VOTE email.
The link to the VOTE thread is too much of a hunt to understand what's
changed. I might as well look at SVN.

I admire Damjan's persistence and patience in seeing through another RC
toward 1.0 :)

Thank you :).

[X] -0 OK, but really should fix...

- The RAT report shows "40 Unknown Licenses", either add license headers or
get RAT to ignore these files.

RAT's Maven plugin doesn't have a setting to ignore files. I've merged the
That's not correct. Add something like the following to the pluginManagement 


We are using it within PDFBox, see [1] for fruther details.

Thanks for the effort!

Andreas Lehmkühler

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