I don't think anything like that exists. If your # of entries were
reasonable, a theoretical implementation could allocate a big long[] array
and hash into that. However, 150,000 is very large for an array; possible
but I never done it. So I think the only thing you can really rely on is
the standard Map<String, Value>

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All:
> I'm looking for a Map implementation that takes a String as a key and a
> long as the value (and another taking a double as the value). I'd rather
> not take the extra memory of using generic map with a Long object value hit
> since the maps will have up to 150,000 entries. That would save me... a meg
> for each map I am guestimating (on a 64-bit JVM). A meg here, a meg
> there...
> I did not see anything in [collections] or Google Guava.
> Thoughts?
> Gary
> --
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