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The "MathWishList" page has been changed by ThomasNeidhart: Comment: Remove features already implemented * Add more special math functions such as Bessel functions and so on. * Add support for iterative linear solvers (see discussion [[<>|]]): see wiki page IterativeLinearSolvers * Add remedian statistic - [[|The Remedian: a Robust Averaging method for Large Data Sets]] - * Add ability to compute the density of normal distribution and other well behaved distributions (done for some distributions * Add ability to sample from some of the common distributions such as normal, gamma, beta and so on. * Add Dirichlet, Multinomial distributions - * Add additional alternative pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) * Investigate alternative methods for generating values from discrete distributions * Resampling * Applied-mathematical/Mathematical-physics algorithms? - Henri Yandell @@ -21, +19 @@ * [[|Post-SOC TODO List]] - Xiaogang Zhang * Implement monte carlo simulation * [[PrimeNumbers|Prime Numbers Functionality]] -- SharonLourduraj - * Naive Primality Testing - * Probablistic Tests * Ofcourse, we will take it slowly, this area is vast and time consuming. * Implementing algorithms for practicality, and look into optimizing the algorithms (in terms of implementing it). * AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic.evaluate(...) and all the workhorse implementations in subclasses should be static methods. -- NickGuenther * StandardDeviation has versions of .evaluate which take a precalculated mean. It would be nice if the same sort of thing could be had for all the other measures (e.g. skewness & kurtosis should be able to take both precalculated means and standard deviations) -- NickGuenther * Generalized Matrix Inversion, as I describe on -- Rand Huso * Estimation of Omega in GLSMultipleLinearRegression using, for example Feasible Generalized Least Squares - * Add [[|convolution]], [[|Laplace transform]], [[|Z-transform]] and similar signal/image processing and filtering related essentials. + * Add [[|Laplace transform]], [[|Z-transform]] and similar signal/image processing and filtering related essentials. * Add further functionality for BigDecimal and BigInteger arithmetic in particular a power function that will input two BigDecimal type numbers and raise one to the power of the other and return the result correct to a number of specified decimal places. This may best be added to the util.MathUtils class along with other pow functions - suggested by Andy Turner (2011-01-20) * Add fitter functions for linear models similar to ''lm.wfit'' in ''R''(2011-11-14) * A mixed integer linear programming solver * A quadratic programming solver - * Implement the Kendall's Tau which is a measure of Association/Correlation between ranked ordinal data.[[]] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: