Personally, I like the idea of having a last release date AND a list of people 
who are active in the project. The only problem is that people who go inactive 
rarely remove themselves from the list.


On Oct 15, 2013, at 7:48 AM, Jörg Schaible <> wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> Gary Gregory wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Phil Steitz <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/14/13 10:59 PM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
>>>> Le 15 oct. 2013 à 07:33, Dave Brosius <> a écrit :
>>>>> I couldn't disagree more. Dormant/attic means the project has leprosy.
>>>>> I don't know the answer to this, but wondering, has there ever been a
>>>>> commit to an attic'ed project? I personally would never think of doing
>>>>> that.
>>>> As probably the only person that "supports"' Jelly, a dormant to be for
>>>> sure, I find the word leprosy outrageous.
>>>> I am happy to stay on list, I even read posts regularly, but I cannot
>>>> find time or motivation to fix bugs or do new releases. I respond to any
>>>> Jelly question I find.
>>>> Jelly has gone 1.0 and is in use here and there.
>>>> I would expect users to be interested to make it advance to come to jira
>>>> and suggest fixes; I am happy to negotiate them and apply them, and
>>>> maybe, if things get excited, there might be a release one day.
>>>> However, moving it to a place where you would never commit would sign
>>>> its death.
>>> The proposal is not to move it anywhere, just designate it as
>>> dormant so people know no one is currently working on it.
>> We could avoid labeling a project with any words by simply listing the
>> last release date. Each project in turn could have a section in its
>> overview with a history of releases. This would help users make up
>> their mind.
> Based on a release date only, vfs is dormant. Therefore I like Hen's 
> approach, since every committer (or even interested user) has now the 
> possibility to make his interest/commitment explicit.
> Actually we could repeat the this challenge on a yearly base (again with an 
> empty file). A dormant label can get away in an instance if enough people 
> show interest. It would be even better without a dormant section in svn 
> (with Git it is gone anyway). Currently it takes more effort to awake a 
> component.
> Just because a component is "dormant" does not mean that its maturity has 
> gone.
> - Jörg
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