On 10/14/13 9:14 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
> On 10/14/13 8:55 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:
>> I contend that all of the Commons components are inactive and should move
>> to the Attic/Dormant. In line with Phil's recent suggestion that anyone can
>> present a dormancy challenge at any time, I'm challenging all of Commons
>> Proper.
>> I've made a file in SVN:
>>     https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/trunks-proper/CHALLENGE.txt
>> If committers could put their ids next to components they actively monitor
>> the commits, JIRA, mailing list for, then we can determine, by elimination,
>> the components that should be considered for dormancy.
> Thanks, Hen!  Lets see who has a pulse ;)
> Lets also let non-committers chime in, though.  I will volunteer to
> be commit monkey on this file for anyone not a commons committer who
> really wants to work on something.
> Phil

I just killed a checkout that was grabbing all trunks to get this
file.  Is there a way to check out just the file, or can we move it
somewhere easier to get to?

I would also propose a slightly higher bar for "blood donors" - you
need to not just "monitor" but be willing to actually do work (as in
apply patches, work on issues, help drive toward release...)

>> I propose we review the state of the file at the start of November :)
>> Hen

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