On 14/10/2013 02:55, Henri Yandell wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 8, 2013, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> one of the points that seem to always come up once in a while is the
>> process of releasing components. I've never done it myself so I'm asking
>> people who have done it:
> I find myself wondering why a release vote is anything more than:
>   "I propose that r6525 of <dir> be tagged as 3.2. What say ye all?"
> That might focus us on the #1 step of whether the API and code is good and
> relegate all the artifact juggling to a post release step. The tag (or src
> tarball of the scm dir) is the important thing - the rest is artifact
> pain/noise and could be handled by different people.
> As it is we have a long laundry list of steps to master and get by the 3 or
> 4 RC fails before a release is done. And the list is always changing. Too
> much expertise is needed. It also makes us Maven specific, which may limit
> us if we think broader in the future. We' turn down a JavaScript component
> because I doesn't fit in with out release process.
> I propose release votes be simple revision based requests and involve no
> artifact churn :)

No can do. ASF policy requires that release votes are on source
releases, not svn tags or revision numbers.


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