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> Am 08.10.2013 um 19:04 schrieb Phil Steitz <>:
>> On 10/8/13 9:48 AM, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
>> 2013/10/8 Stefan Bodewig <>
>>>> On 2013-10-08, James Carman wrote:
>>>> How about this for an idea?  What if instead of waiting until *after*
>>>> a new JDK comes out (and in some cases MANY years later), we start
>>>> with pre-release versions in a branch or something to start using the
>>>> new language features?
>>> Maybe I'm just naive, but what exactly is stopping anybody from doing
>>> that right now?  Or stopped anybody four years ago?
>>> I think we lack people coding up said features not rules that would
>>> allow such work.
>> Right to the point, Stefan... But how can we attract more people? I've
>> expressed what I think can be done [1]. Any other ideas?
> I would say go for it if you have the time and energy to push these
> things along.  Here is one more idea:
> Commons started as a place for ASF committers to work on shared /
> reusable stuff.  Most of the original components were actually
> extracted from other projects.  Many of our most "committed
> committers" over the years have been ASF ppl using "the commons"
> this way.  In recent years, for various reasons - some having to do
> with our painful release process, some "reuse" sort of going out of
> fashion - this has trailed off quite a bit.  We should ask ourselves
> what we can do to attract more ASF committers to Commons.  I am sure
> some of the things you mention above might help, but I bet there are
> other things we could do for that population specifically.  Maybe
> simply asking on community@ or members@ and directing people here to
> continue discussion might help.  

This is a very good idea. I'll write something together when I find the time.

> Another thing we could do is to
> come clean about which components have insufficient "community" to
> support them.  There may be projects that use some of these things
> with committers interested in helping keep them alive.

You have proposed to focus on our core components a few times now. I thing this 
is also a good idea which deserves it's own thread.


> Phil
>> Benedikt
>> [1]
>>> Stefan
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