Why not simply switch to Git?


On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Bernd Eckenfels <e...@zusammenkunft.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> while we are at the topic of helping future commiters, including Git and
> workflow I would like to ask/remind about this JIRA:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-6764
> It is about enabling pull notification mails for [VFS] and havent seen much
> activity yet. (Maybe I should not open bugs with minor priority? :)
> BTW: I think the patch/diff generated by Github are not much different from
> Jira uploaded diffs. They are just more consitent and come with a nice web
> view. IMHO they should fit pretty well into any developers SVN workflow
> (maybe the prefix length issue needs to be figured out once).
> BTW2: just to voice a different oppinion, contributing to a CVS project is
> for me easier than contributing to a SVN project where you always have to
> wonder about trunks, branches and parent. It took me quite some time to
> check out a working VFS parent with SVN. With Git it was no problem (and
> with CVS I suppose it would be similiar easy). Of course this could be a
> tooling problem, but I am stuck with Eclipse :)
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