everybody seems ok for git, maybe time to throw a vote and go to next topics ;)
*Romain Manni-Bucau* *Twitter: @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau>* *Blog: **http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/*<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/> *LinkedIn: **http://fr.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau* *Github: https://github.com/rmannibucau* 2013/10/8 Xavier Detant <xavier.det...@gmail.com> > I think all your points are important but are not exclusive. > > I totally agree with Romain, the usage and features are extremely important > and we should move on (following Java version, etc…) but the simpler > someone can contribute, the faster we'll go. > > I think, as Luc said, that git is a big plus for that. Let's say you're a > lambda person, you just use commons for work and found a bug you need to > fix for your app. On svn, you'll fix it, use it in your app, but you will > not share it, may be not even with your colleagues since you'll have to > build up a svn server for your fork. It's obvious that in this condition, > you won't open a Jira and give a patch : it's not your work and it's too > long/boring. On git you'll share it easily with your colleagues and the > cost to give it back to the ASF is near to zero (it's just a link to it's > repo). > > I think the real question is, how much does it cost to the current > commiters to move from svn to git ? And the answer is «not much» just the > time to create the repos and push the code to it and one hour or two to get > used to git. > > Do we really want to loose more potential contributions because of a > resistance to change ? > > I'm a +1 for git. > > > > 2013/10/8 Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com> > > > 2013/10/8 luc <l...@spaceroots.org> > > > > > Hi all, > > > > > > Le 2013-10-08 09:10, Romain Manni-Bucau a écrit : > > > > > > Never said the opposite but git or svn is not a questioin IMO, both > are > > >> simple and usable today. I'm more attracted by features than the infra > > >> around a project. > > >> > > > > > > I don't fully agree. The infra is also important (not more or less than > > > rules, just as important). > > > > > > > the point is: how many projects are you contributing compared to the > number > > you use...a few in enterprise generally. So we shouldn't prevent users to > > contribute (not my point at all) but we shouldn't see it as a first > citizen > > while the other things are not fixed. The usage and features are far more > > important and what should be fixed right now IMO. > > > > > > -- > Xavier DETANT >