Hi Damjan,
sounds good :-)
Ping me, if you need a helping hand.
Andreas Lehmkühler
Am 23.08.2013 09:03, schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
There's a few last patches I want to add while we can still break the API,
but I am away this week, and only fully available for anything the week
after next.
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Andreas Lehmkuehler <andr...@lehmi.de>wrote:
Am 22.08.2013 22:01, schrieb Gary Gregory:
Hi all (Damjan),
What state is the code in WRT a 1.0 release?
I'm also interested to get the release done.
I had a quick look at JIRA and couldn't find any big blockers. Are there
issues with the build? Any other unsolved TODOs?
I'm with the Apache PDFBox project and acted as release manage for most of
releases, so maybe I can help to get this further.
Andreas Lehmkühler
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