On Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:54:59 -0400, Evan Ward wrote:
Hi all,
Sorry for the delay. I'll try switching all of the least squares
to the new/seperable API and post the results to github. From there
can review, discuss and then decide if it makes sense to switch the
of the optimizers.
Instead (or in addition to that), please open an "Improvement" request
the Commons projects' bug-tracking system:
[It's a pity that we can't seem to open a "guest space" on Apache's SVN
repository to enable smoother collaborative work, and would have to
to an external platform!]
You should then attach the files to the report page. But please do that
only after running
mvn site
on your computer, and checking that no problem is reported by
and "FindBugs" (the reports are created in directory "target").
Also, please do not forget the unit test classes. Yes, I know that this
is a lot of work... :-}
On 08/15/2013 09:12 AM, Konstantin Berlin wrote:
As a quick first pass, I will comment on Evans code only for now.
of my comments have to do with numerical aspects and associated
design, rather than threading.
I like the idea of the optimize function taking in a Problem class.
think it can add a lot of flexibility going forward.
First I think to make things clear, LeastSquares should be renamed
IterativeLeastSquares. Since for unconstrained linear least squares,
this whole hierarchy is not correct. For one thing they don't need
initial guess, for another, linear least squares can factor the
before experimental data is supplied, so it can support rapid
From my background the problem is more commonly called General Least
Squares, or Non-Linear Least Squares. I shortened it to avoid (yet
another) long name. :) I don't plan to include linear least squares
problem in the new API. It seems hard to be simpler than new
QRDecomposition(A).getSolver().solve(b). :)
There are several issues that I have with current example
1) While the least-squares problem now encapsulates the weights,
I like, for some reason the weights are explicitly used in the
GaussNewtonOptimizer and probably all other least-squares optimizer.
think that is bad for several reasons:
i) the actual optimizer algorithm has nothing to do with weights, so
it logically inconsistent. It forces people who have no weights to
still go through the actual numerical computation.
ii) it makes it harder to maintain and update the optimizer code.
think about how much cleaner it would be if weights are actually
included in the Jacobian.
iIi) The inclusion of weight can be really optimized inside the
LeastSquaresProblem, where depending on the problem they might be
to take it more efficiently than the general approach.
2) All computations inside the optimizers should be done using
algebra library (or is the library so bad?). Not only does it make
code easier to follow, it can make it a lot faster. Imagine a
not-so-hypothetical example where the Jacobian is actually sparse
(I know you guys are removing sparse linear algebra, but lets say it
gets put back at some point later). Forming the Hessian from the
Jacobian is a very expensive operation (J^T*J), but if J is sparse
speedup could be automatically propagated through the algorithm.
I agree with 1 and 2. You seem to have more experience with
than me; would you like to update GaussNewton.doOptimize() to assume
weights are already included?
We already discussed that some time ago.
Let's not mix different issues. Removing the handling of weights can
with later.
3) Speaking of forming the Hessian, the actual computation of the
descent step should be logically and explicitly separated into two
separate function. I think the first function could actually be
to the LeastSquaresProblem (need more thought on this)
i) The first function will compute the step size p, where H*p = -g,
is the Hessian and g is the gradient. The reason for this is there
several ways this problem can be solved, and that should be deferred
to a specific implementation later. For example, in a very large
least-squares problem (or any large problem) you cannot actually
J^T*J (or H), and instead you solve the problem using conjugate
gradient iterative method (which you already have in the library),
where you compute J^T*J*x as J^T*(J*x). Again, here having the
Jacobian be a matrix would really help future proof things. In the
case of general non-linear optimizers you might want to support in
future a very important quasi-Newton algorithms BFGS or L-BFGS, were
this step is done very differently.
ii) Once the step size is computed, a line search or trust region
method is used to potentially modify the step. Here also bound
constraints can be enforced, so an optimizer that supports it can
overwrite this function. This part should also be exposed, at least
the abstract classes, from which the final least-squares optimizer
should be built.
I'm not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that the LSP class solve
normal equations? Solving the normal equations and computing the next
step seems like the job of the "optimizer".
Ajo Fod wrote:
I like the immutability idea. I wonder if there are any guidelines
on when
the performance hit because of immutability is high enough to want
objects and synchronization?
For me the dividing line is copying large matrices and arrays. I try
avoid copying the residuals and the Jacobian because they can be
megabytes in size.
Copying is either because of the weights or because of attempts to be
The former will be solved if weights are ultimately removed.
The latter could become an option when the data is off-loaded to the
"problem" class (and interface instances with different properties can
built by alternate factory methods).
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