Hi, we currently have several static factory methods in CSVParser:
- public static CSVParser parseFile(File file, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException - public static CSVParser parseResource(String resource, Charset charset, ClassLoader classLoader, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException - public static CSVParser parseResource(String resource, Charset charset, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException - public static CSVParser parseString(String string) throws IOException - public static CSVParser parseString(String string, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException - public static CSVParser parseURL(URL url, Charset charset, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException and one instance factory method in CSVFormat: - public CSVParser parse(final Reader in) throws IOException One can also create a parser using the public constructors defined in CSVParser: - public CSVParser(final Reader input) throws IOException - public CSVParser(final Reader reader, final CSVFormat format) throws IOException I'm wondering: 1. do we need all this different ways to create CSVParsers? For example it may be confusing to have parse(Reader) in CSVFormat which is pretty much the same as CSVParser(Reader, CSVFormat) just the other way around. 2. all the factory methods are named "parseXXX" but they don't actually parse anything. They just create an object that is capable of parsing CSV content. Should the factory methods be renamed? Benedikt -- http://people.apache.org/~britter/ http://www.systemoutprintln.de/ http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter http://github.com/britter