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On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Bernd Eckenfels <e...@zusammenkunft.net>wrote:

> Hello,
> I had a look at the VFS2 RAM Provider in 2.0 and have some questions
> comments:
> RamFileData.java
> ----------------
> #52 byte[] buffer - this is the actual content of the file, I would name
> it that way. Buffer sounds transient
> #62 Collection<RamFileData> - this keeps references to all childer, aka
> the whole tree. When a implementation gets smarter about cache/buffers this
> could harm a partial (off heap) storage and similiar things. Change this to
> String[] basenames? (especially since lookup is rather fast in RAM)
> #71 children = Collections.**synchronizedCollection(new
> ArrayList<RamFileData>()) - there are multiple contains() lookups on this
> collection. This can be slow on larger directories. Would it make sense to
> have a adaptive data structure here (or provide a general infrastructure
> for small-to-large collections?
> #136 this.buffer = new byte[0]; - I would use a "final static byte[]
> EMPTY" to avoid allocation
> #186 contains/add - the "if contains throw / add" construct is quite
> readable however it requires two instead of one linear search and since it
> is not synchronized there is a window for racecondition. Using the return
> boolean of the add() method (on a collection which refuses duplicates) is
> more efficient.
> #208 contains/remove - same argument first checking then removing has a
> race and is inefficient. remove returns null if it was not in there.
> #225 return children; - is it safe to return a modifyable collection? See
> also RamFileSystem#108 which synchronizes across class boundaries.
> #244 equals / RamFileData data = (RamFileData) o; - nitpick: i would use
> "that" or "other", "data" looks local
> #256 this.getName().hashCode() - is it intentional to access field via
> getter, toString uses the field
> #281: System.arraycopy(this.buffer, 0, newBuf, 0, size); - this will fail
> if resize() truncates. Is it guranteed not to happen?
> I think the whole resize is generally strange, only using the setBuf() is
> more atomic and does not leak uninitilized bytes.
> RamFileObject.java
> ------------------
> #95 this.data.getBuffer().length; - use data.size() or even this.size()?
> #125 setBuffer(new byte[0]) - use EMPTY constant
> #272 does it make sense to put the whole quota calculation into fs.
> (especially the option builder)
> #276 when "newSize - size" is negative the resize() is a truncation, it
> should not be rejected even when the overall size is over maxsize (can this
> actually happen?)
> RamFileOutputStream.java
> ------------------------
> #63 introduce "RamFileObject data = this.file.getData()" as it is
> dereferenced 3 times in this method
> #75 file.getData().getBuffer() - does not update last update date (if this
> is intended then should comment)
> #61 I would change the whole logic to use setBuffer()
> #87 write(buffer1) - replace with write(buffer1, 0, 1) this safes one
> method invocation
> RamFileProvider.java
> --------------------
> #34 I think this is an unusal " *" line :)
> RamFileSystem.java
> ------------------
> #54 cache - is this actually a cache or is it the actual content store
> (see above RamFileData#62 for parent/child references). If it is intended
> to be the real storage it should be names that way.
> #212 the Null argument is a bit missleading as the argument was not null
> by the state was imaginary.
> #263 what a creative way to copy an input stream to an output stream.
> There is no need to Buffer the Ramoutput stream and you should never use
> the byte-wise read if not needed. I also wonder if there is no IOUtil to do
> that. Besides in this specific case it would be better to ask the source
> for size, resize the byte[] to it, read it fully and setBuffer() it
> (atomically). (and 512b is also a very small buffer, it should be more like
> 32k)
> #273 the flush is not needed, close will flush (especially if you not
> buffer later on the flush is a nop)
> #290 getClass/getMessage is seldom/never used anywhere else.
> FileSystemExeption should really have an IOExepction types constructor to
> be used consistently.
> #306 int size() limits the maximum size for the Ram cache to 2GB, should
> be long (see also RamFileSystemConfigBuilder#68 which sets default to
> Integer.MAX_VALUE)
> #306 fs.size() is actually used very often (especially when writing small
> write()s to the OutputStream. It is a synchronized full-cach-walker, looks
> like a bad bottlenek. Maybe it is better if a outputstream requests the
> size only once and calculates locally or use an atomicLong to account all
> changes instead of walking.
> Generally I am not sure how the synchronisation/concurrency model of the
> providers looks like, so I did not comment on those aspects, but it looks
> like some methods exepct to be executed atomic.
> Greetings
> Bernd
> --
> http://bernd.eckenfels.net
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