2013/8/6 Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>

> We have:
> /**
>  * A special reader decorator which supports more sophisticated access to
> the underlying reader object.
>  * <p>
>  * In particular the reader supports a look-ahead option, which allows you
> to see the next char returned by
>  * {@link #read()}.
>  *
>  * @version $Id: ExtendedBufferedReader.java 1509069 2013-08-01 02:04:27Z
> ggregory $
>  */
> final class ExtendedBufferedReader extends BufferedReader { ... }
> I could see this class being called LookAheadBufferedReader.
> To me, ExtendedBufferedReader (or CSVBufferedReader) says "this is a class
> we are dumping whatever we need to get [csv] to work as we best see fit"
> Thoughts?

Since it is package private I'm not crazy about the name. But I agree that
it expresses the lack of a better name ;-)

I don't know if LookAheadBufferedReader is a good name either. It Also
supports to read the last character again. So if we go this road we would
end up with LookAheadAndReadAgainBufferedReader...

What I also find confusing is that fact that the JavaDoc talks about a
decorator but this does not reflect in the class name.


> Gary
> --
> E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
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