<snip/> I've done some more investigations.
It seems it's not possible to use mvn deploy directly to a dist URL such as https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/plugins Probably because the server does not support WEBDAV or something. However, there is a workround: - checkout the URL locally, say to D:/commons-plugins/ - use mvn deploy to apply changes to the checkout (see below) - check the changes back into SVN A little bit awkward, but not difficult, and easy to revert. To prevent accidental deployment of non-SNAPSHOT releases to Nexus, the url for the apache.releases.https repository can be overridden. If this is set to the file URL of the local checkout, then "mvn deploy" will update that instead. This will vary between RMs so will require a once-off entry in the RM's settings.xml file - and/or could be defined by a property on the command-line. For testing snapshot versions of the plugins, the existing Commons Snapshots repo could be used. Since there's no QA needed for snapshots, it seems unnecessary to keep the developer plugins separate. To summarise, I'm hoping this is acceptable: ================================ Developer plugin tools will be created and maintained under: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/dev/plugins[trunk/tags/branches] They will use the package name: o.a.c.dev_plugins.<name> Maven coords: o.a.c.dev_plugins : commonsdev-<name>-plugin The plugins will use the pseudo-repository at https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/dev_plugins Note: I added the dev_ prefix/suffix just in case Commons ever decide to release a Maven plugin. Unless there are objections/better suggestions I'd like to start setting up the structure next week. I propose creating an example plugin which will do very little - maybe nothing - but should serve as a proof of concept (and hopefully a template for more useful plugins). --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org